Tuesday, September 17, 2013

never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.

It's essential to make time for reading. Even though I don't necessarily have 'free time' anymore - I make it. I read on my breaks at work. I read for fifteen minutes before I go to bed. I read when I'm waiting for someone. I read at the bus stop. Why? I love it.

Books are a blissful escape from reality...and we all need that every now and again. I wish that I could read more than I do, but I am so busy working all the time. But - it's all about making the most of every possible opportunity!

Since reading is one of my biggest passions, I thought that I would do a little recent reads post. In the last little while, I've read:

All of these were fantastic for different reasons. Jane's Fame, was a look into the infamy of Jane Austen and her legacy. It was really interesting, if not a little too academic for bus stop reading. I simply could not put down The Bling Ring. There were a couple of nights that I stayed up for hours just devouring the book. It was so compelling!

Then, there was Confessions of an Essex Girl, which was fun and sexy. Definitely an enjoyable, girly book. As for Revoltingly Young, I just really wanted to finish the series. This book was different. Not bad, but certainly not the same as the rest of the series. I also read (not pictured) the Kris Kardashian biography, which was super interesting. She has had quite the life!

And now? I've started reading The Cuckoo's Calling by JK Rowling and I never want to put it down. It's so well written (of course!) and I love a great mystery. It's just fantastic. I hope that the rest of the book lives up the first several chapters.

So, those are my recent reads! What are yours?

xo Shannon


  1. I read Agatha Christie like crazy this summer. Like 15 books. :) I love reading. Kisses!


  2. My current reads are Marian Keyes - Is there anyone out there. But almost done so was looking for new reads, thanks for the recommendationsm Bling Ring sounds like it will be the next book I get.


  3. Great suggestions...Thank you...I haven't read any of them but I will have them in mind...

    I would suggest "Anybody out there" and "This charming man"


  4. You're absolutely right, it's so important to read and I also love reading before bed:)


  5. I study law so I wish I had more time to read other books too!
    Lovely post!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  6. Nice post, I love reading as well, even if I'm not reading so many books lately =(

  7. a good book can really get into your soul and affect ur emotions ,
    it is always a good time with a book in hand & a tea in the other

    *(Splash of colors , Splash of food )an outfit already posted on my blog come by and see it to get inspired more


    P.S. Follow me on insta & i will instantly follow back @nanyslife


  8. I am a big bookfreak too, now I start my second book from Paulo Coehlo!

    wanna follow each other girl?

  9. i am all about my books also, my kindle is my best friend.

    currently i am reading three different books one love story and 2 romance novels.


  10. Great recommendations. I love reading crime, mystery and horror novels and sometimes a girly book like anything of Sophie Kinsella. :)

    New Post

  11. Great post!
    Great blog, would you like to follow each other?
    I'm a New follower on bloglovin, waiting for Your turn ;)

  12. I like reading a good book!!!
    Great post Shannon!!!

  13. going to check out The Cuckoo's Calling :) atm i really want to buy dont sweat the small stuff for women ^^

  14. I might need to pick up a couple of these for my upcoming vacation. :-)

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Currently? "Game of Thrones", "Watership Down" (which is borrowed from a friend), "The Two Towers"... yes, I have multiple on the go, though I not read any of them in months. I've been to busy writing! LOL.

  17. i love books especially fantasies genre ^^

  18. Veru nice post! Thank you for visit my blog! Visit my last post!
    Jeffrey Campbell Foxy Spike

  19. I absolutely love reading too! The Cuckoo's Calling is actually next on my list. I've just finished 'Billy and Me' by Giovanna Fletcher, it's a good holiday read I think! xx

  20. ha! love that quote. i ALWAYS have a book with me..and probably a back up too!

  21. I love to read too...such a true statement about escaping reality and just letting go for a little bit!!! I haven't ready any of those titles but will definitely have to grab them! I have a habit of being a repeat offender with books I already read that I love...I'm guilty, ha!!

    xo Dinah @ Sunshine super glam

  22. hahahaha.... I always carry one, its my best company! I am also the person who buy books although I have ten books waiting to be read.... :)
    I watched the Bling Ring tho' and not read the book before... great post!
    IG @gracenjio

  23. Books are a blissful escape from reality- love this sentence beautiful said <3

  24. I loooove reading but I have no time ;(
    love the lauren conrad books :)


  25. You really inspire me to read more, I always say that I do not have time...but I think that is not an excuse :)


  26. I love reading and the feeling that you get when you flip the pages. I love reading old books.. I went to my grand parents house and looked for the old books and when i found some good ones I was like AAhhhh.. Is it me or anyone else enjoys the smell of paper..??

    Loved the post..!!
    Stay in touch..!!



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