Saturday, October 5, 2013

with me it's always about first impressions.

There is always something fun about trying out a makeup brand you've never used before. I recently picked up a few products from Essence and simply had to share my thoughts. What did I buy? The Essence All About Matt Powder, Essence blushes in Life's a Cherry and Sweetheart, and the match2cover! Cream Concealer.

Ready for some reviews? Here goes!

Let's start by taking a look at the Essence All About Matt Powder.

I picked this product up on a whim. Even though I have really dry skin, my forehead tends to get really shiny as the day wears on. So, I have been on the look out for something to remedy that problem. I find that the powder I normally use for my skin can look cakey around my forehead area. When I saw this matt powder from Essence, I thought...what the heck! At such a reasonable price, it was worth the gamble.

What did I think of it? So far, so good! This is definitely a good mattifying powder. It doesn't make my skin look nearly as cakey as any of the regular powders I've tried. That being said, it's not perfect. I find that I need to re-apply every couple of hours to really get rid of shine. If you have oily skin, this probably won't work well for you. If you're like me and just have one trouble zone to take care of though, you'll love it.

Next up were the Essence blushes in Life's a Cherry and Sweetheart. 

 Life's a Cherry is on the left and Sweetheart is picture on the right. As you can see from the shades (and the swatches!) the colours are super pigmented. I was actually so surprised at the bold colours, considering how little these blushes cost! They have a really silky and smooth texture and the colour just glides right on the cheeks. Honestly, I was so so impressed by these. Great bold colour and a fabulous texture. The only negative about these blushes? The limited colour selection! I've only managed to snag these two shades and as far as I know, there are only four available. Such a shame!

And the last Essence product I tried? The match2cover! Cream Concealer.

For the last while, I've been on the hunt for a great cream concealer. I have a lot of liquid concealers but actually no cream ones. Since I don't get a lot of sleep (thanks to working way, way too much), I am all about concealers. I need to keep those under-eye circles in check!

My thoughts? This concealer palette is fab-u-lous. It has a really thick consistency and does a great job of covering the under eye area. Plus, surprisingly it didn't crease at all throughout the day. What's really great? The fact that there are two different shades included. The darker shade covers so well and the lighter shade really highlights the area. Such a perfect combo! I was really impressed.

So, there you have it! My first impressions of a few Essence products. Overall, I was happily surprised. Great quality at an even better price. How can you go wrong?

Have you tried any Essence products? Which ones are your favourites?

xo Shannon


  1. such a lovely post dear! I am so liking theproducts that you get. Can't wait to see your future posts.

    Into The Blush, a Beauty Blog by Kenny.

  2. I love the Essence matte powder, works perfect to make sure I dont look to shiny anymore. So it's always in my handbag. Def going to try the blush next now... Thanks for letting us know it's such a good product.

  3. I haven't tried Essence, not sure if I've seen it around here....
    I like the neutrals though!

    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  4. I've never tried any products of Essence not sure if we have this brand here, but anyways sounds like a good matte powder to try. Thanks for the review! :)
    By the way, I'm currently running a giveaway on my blog.. hope you could join

  5. I so love their polishes!

    x Nikki Boucher

  6. like these makeup products, I love Essence <3

  7. Great products! I loved blushes! Essence is a great affordable option to try something new:)

  8. Great review, Essence has such a cheap price and sometimes I got suspicious on its quality, but I always hear wonders about this brand, I must buy something asap ! Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies
    Fashion and Cookies on Facebook
    You're invited to enter my Win stylish dresses Giveaway, 3 winners, open worldwide until October, 12th !

  9. I must confess... I never tried Essence products!
    Come back soon to visit me on…
    Nameless Fashion Blog
    Nameless Fashion Blog Facebook page

  10. They seem really good products, I love Essence :D

  11. i love essence is not expensive..and the products are really quality!! ;)) great post..come to find me on my blog...kissess to you.

  12. Essence products are in general good :)

  13. Essence is the new affordable beauty trend in Greece! :)

  14. I like Essence, good quality for affordable prices. :):*

  15. It was a great day! =) I love the brand essence.

  16. I'm going to have to look at the blush. The "Sweetheart" shade looks awesome. I love that it's neutral, as that's where I tend to gravitate with blush. I guess I have another makeup brand to check out!

  17. I have naturally dark circles around my eyes, so I love trying new concealers! Definitely going to have to get my hands on that one! Thanks!

    xo Sam

    DIY Huntress

  18. I know This brand, and I think it is a really Good one! I Have many nail polishes and lipsticks, they're all just perfect!

  19. great post dear, i love love essence. Kisses from Kenya

  20. Great post dear :)

    Giveaway in my blog:

  21. I love this brand!
    Have a great start of the week darling!

  22. I <3 Essence :)
    Do you want to follow each other on GFC?

  23. Love essence
    Follow you dear, hope you follow back :)
    My blog By Joyce ♥ // Bloglovin ♥ // INSTAGRAM ♥

  24. Love how pigmented these products are! Will definitely have to try out these products :-)

  25. They seem all great products hun, wanna try them!

    Sarah Fogartya

  26. Ive heard nothing but great things about that concealer! I HAVE to try it lol

  27. Nice products! I tend to use cream based matte products more but that's because the weather where I stay is kinda dry and my skin is not oily at all

  28. We've never tried Essence! Everything looks awesome though! Glad to know you like it!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  29. I've never heard of Essence....I'm not sure if it's available here...but it's always so nice when you are pleasantly surprised! Concealer that conceals?! awesome


  30. i love how essence products are really affordable! i usually get their nail polish but i may have to try out their concealer! :)

  31. great
    I'm following u via GFC&bloglovin, hope u can follow back. THX XOXO

    Moda della donna



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