Thursday, November 28, 2013

you are never fully dressed without perfume.

There is just something about the Kardashians. Yes, I'm well aware that I post about them a little too much....but I can't help it! I am definitely all about the glitz and glam. That's why I am all about their fragrances. While I was on my LA trip, I picked up the Khloe & Lamar scent, Unbreakable Bond. (Unfortunately for Khloe and Lamar's relationship, I don't know how accurate that title is, anymore. So sad.) What makes this fragrance unique? It is unisex!

In my opinion, this is definitely a memorable scent. And it really could work for either men or women! It's got a beautiful combination of woody tones and just a hint of sweetness. The longer you wear it, the sweeter the perfume smells. It develops just wonderfully over time. Plus, it lasts quite well. It's not too overpowering but it certainly has the staying power that I am after.

Personally, I love to wear Unbreakable Bond during the day or for a casual night in. It's fresh but not too light, either...making it the perfect finishing touch!

Now that I've talked a bit about the perfume, it's time to talk about the packaging! On the box itself, there is a collage of pictures of Khloe and Lamar. I love this aspect of it! It is just so cute. The pictures themselves are beautiful black and white images that are romantic, fun, flirty, and really showcase many different sides to a relationship.

As for the bottle, it's pretty simple. It's not my favourite fragrance bottle, as I find it is a little more geared towards men. (One of the drawbacks of a unisex perfume, I suppose!) I personally prefer to display perfume bottles that are girly and cute. This one isn't anything special to me. Thankfully, the scent itself more than makes up for it.

Overall, I would say that Unbreakable Bond is a fantastic fragrance. In fact, I find myself reaching for it quite often. I'm very glad that I decided to take a gamble on this scent and add it to my perfume collection.

Have you smelled Unbreakable Bond? What did you think of it?

PS - Happy Thanksgiving to all of the Americans! I hope you have a great holiday. 

xo Shannon


  1. I don't know that perfume either but good to know sweetie!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  2. I rarely wear perfume but I'm actually wearing some today :)

  3. Such cute post! I love the pics! xoxo

  4. I'd love to test this scent and think it's cool that it's unisex! Don't worry, I love the Kardashians, too hahaha

  5. you´re tittle is so right dear... Now I wanna go and feel that perfume...

  6. hmm,I'll have to go try to get a spritz sample at the dept store!

    Amanda |

  7. i have never smelled it yet , but this post makes me wannt to try it. maybe i will find it in town tomorrow i love Kadrdashians =).

  8. Lovely blog and nice post!

    Do you want to follow each other? :)
    xoxo ♥

  9. I love a fragrance that lingers on for a good while. I have never had the chance to try their perfume on the store but now, you got me so curious.

    Thanks for sharing.

  10. Great post... I want to try this perfume!!!
    Happy sunday girl!

  11. Nice post :)
    Love your blog, wanna follow each other?


  12. Nice to meet you Shannon, new gfc follower. I've never smelled this perfume, honestly I'm not sure if in Italy they have released it yet...
    Coco et La vie en rose
    Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
    Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook

  13. I have never tried this one, but it sounds interesting!!

  14. I have never smelled that but seems very nice! :)
    Lovely blog by the way xx

  15. have to give it a try!! even i feel perfumes are indispensable!!


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