Wednesday, December 11, 2013

face of the day featuring: steamcream

Dry skin is the worst...especially during the winter months. It can be itchy, flaky, and downright irritating. When it comes to my own skin, I unfortunately deal with dry skin on a regular basis. That is why the cold weather is especially challenging for me to deal with. I had been searching for a heavy-duty moisturizer that would really work - but I hadn't been able to find one this year. Everything I used worked for a couple of minutes and then my skin was back to feeling itchy again! Thankfully, STEAMCREAM came along.

If you haven't heard of STEAMCREAM yet, trust me, you'll want to! They offer a range of handmade moisturizers that use high-quality, natural ingredients. What makes them unique? They are fused together using a shot of steam. (Hence the name, STEAMCREAM!) The steam makes the moisturizer super lightweight yet ultra hydrating for the skin.

I was recently able to try out Thalia. (Pictured above) Right off the bat, I was struck by the gorgeous packaging. All of their products come in a uniquely designed tin with different artistic patterns and prints. So cute! Plus, I just love the way Thalia looks on my counter top. It adds the perfect pop of colour. As for the moisturizer itself, I've been using it every. single. day. Thus far, it is saving my skin from the cold temperatures outside!

The lotion itself feels really light on the skin but still has a thick, luxurious texture to it. It settles into the skin really well and leaves it moisturized throughout the day. I love how well it works - and the scent as well. It has a really light, pretty fragrance. Nothing too overpowering, but super pretty all the same. Overall, I am definitely loving this.

I used Thalia before applying my makeup for a night out and it made my skin look (and feel!) so much better. So, here is my face of the day featuring STEAMCREAM:

Other products used to create this face of the day? The Kat Von D True Romance Palette, the NARS blush in Deep Throat, and the Maybelline 10 Hour Stain Gloss in Red.

If you haven't checked out products from STEAMCREAM yet, be sure to head to their website: There are so many cute tin designs to choose from!

Have you tried STEAMCREAM? What do you think of this face of the day?

xo Shannon


  1. You look gorgeous!

  2. your make up looks amazing! nice work!

  3. Looks like a great product, thanks for the recommendation!! My skin has been super dry lately as it's been soooo cold. :P

  4. I can't say I've ever tried or even heard of STEAMCREAM before but it sounds lovely. Do you know if it'd work on skin that is dry but also really oily?

    Debra Bros Blog

    1. If it helps, I have combination skin on my face. My nose and cheeks get really oily but the rest is super dry. And this moisturizer has been fantastic at giving moisture without creating shine! :)

  5. It looks an amazing product!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  6. Stunning look sweetie

  7. Thou very tricksy or!

  8. I love your makeup... so pretty

    Also thanks for visiting my blog

  9. very well unto creme and ye neat are you!

  10. i love your makeup. Though ive never heard of that product.

  11. It sounds good! I love your make-up!!!
    Happy friday doll!

  12. Awwwww you are so much pretty!
    And this product seems very interesting!

    Sarah Fogartya

  13. Very nice tip!


  14. Wow this cream sounds awesome !


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