Tuesday, December 17, 2013

i am not a shopaholic. i am helping the economy.

Have you ever gone into a store for one thing....only to come out with about five things you never planned on getting? Yeah, that happened to me a little while back. It should come as no surprise that I have added a few new things to my (ever expanding) wardrobe. Sometimes, I just can't seem to stop myself!

A friend once told me that I am an emotional shopper. No, I don't shop when things are bad in my life, but fall in love with something - and then I simply have to have it. Well, I think she is probably right. (This would certainly explain my latest purchases.) Ready to take a peek at some of the things I've fallen in love with lately? Here goes nothing!

First up? A Betsey Johnson clutch with heart studs and details. It was simply too cute to pass up. And since Betsey is my all-time favourite designer, I knew instantly that I had to have it.

Next? A super cute reindeer sweater. As you likely know from my last post, I am all about Christmas. This is my favourite time of year! That is why I have such a weakness for anything festive....this sweater included. I just love it!

This skirt is one that I cannot wait to wear. It combines comic book phrases and bright colours - but it still manages to look sleek and sophisticated on. The weather has been absolutely freezing here, so I haven't had a chance to wear this one yet. Soon, I hope!

Speaking of skirts....I love a good leather skirt. While I confess, I already have one, I picked this one up as well. Why? My other leather skirt is super poufy and voluminous. This one is far more subtle. Plus, it was on sale. Who could resist?

I have a total addiction to sweaters. With the snow piling up outside, it's more important than ever to stay cozy and warm. So, I picked up this cute sweater from Target. I just loved the colour contrast! 

I don't know about you, but I get really sick of wearing clunky boots all winter long. I came across these flats by Roxy and I just fell for them right away. They are lined on the inside, so your toes will stay warm and your feet will look cute, too!

Okay, this one was a huge splurge. Guess is always a store that I need to stay out of. I just love their clothes. They are glittery and a little sexy, too. This metallic jacket took my breath away! Even on sale, it was a little steeper than I would have liked....but I don't even care. I just love this to pieces. It is absolutely gorgeous!

Sometimes, you just find a dress that calls out to you. That is what this dress did to me. The colour, the cut...everything about it was beautiful. I love that it looks classic - but with a little bit of a modern twist. I can't wait to wear it out!

Juicy Couture outlets are always a bad place to go....or a really good place to go, depending on how you look at it. New to my wardrobe is another (super comfy) Juicy Sweatsuit in navy. Love!

Lastly, I added some new tights to my wardrobe. They were on sale at Forever 21, so I decided to go for it. I am definitely loving these fun prints and colours!

Phew! I certainly did a little more damage than anticipated. Perhaps my New Years Resolution should be to shop less next year? (Ha!)

What have you added to your wardrobe lately? Do you like these pieces?

xo Shannon


  1. Can't blame you these stuff are truly must haves;) I'm also like that and sometimes I forgot to buy the one thing I came for:)


  2. i'm an emotional shopper then, too! love your new things!

  3. Amazing post! I love these outfits, especially the bag at the beginning!

    Twitter: Fionaa_xo

    Fiona-Jessica Blantonh

  4. Great post, I agree we are helping the economy buy shopping, I've added lots to my wardrobe as well recently so your not the only one!

    Nikki Boucher x


  5. lol. I like helping the economy too. The BJ clutch looks amazing. Really fashionable yet not too crazy.

    Happy Holidays!

    Beauty Fashion Skin Care Blog -Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Chic Style

  6. Love the christmas sweater and the geometric sweater is totally on trend!

  7. This is a nice haul. It happens to me always too. Go for one thing and come home with so many unwanted things sometimes.

  8. Great post!!)) Would you like to follow each other? Just let me know in my blog. xoxo

  9. Love the title! haha so true! ^^

  10. QUANTE BELLE COSINE (; Reb, xoxo.

    * Nuovo post sul mio blog, fammi sapere cosa ne pensi della nuova collezione di Q61 (:

  11. Lovely sweater!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  12. I just got back from NYC and I totally helped their economy! HAHA!! Great finds here!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  13. Nice buys!


  14. Cute reindeer sweater& leather skirt! :X


  15. Haha! Helping the economy! I'll have to use that one.

    Great haul!



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