Saturday, December 21, 2013

top 5 favourite: christmas specials

Some people like Christmas. As for me, I love Christmas. One thing I love most of all? Christmas movies and TV specials. I could watch them all year round....that is if everyone else I know wouldn't judge me for it! There is just something about them. They remind you of what is truly important in life (family, loved ones, and being grateful) and make you feel good.

When it comes to Christmas specials, I'm not too picky. I will literally watch just about anything. With so many that I love, it was hard to narrow them down to my all-time favourites. But, for the sake of this blog post, I did my best! Here are my top 5 favourite Christmas specials:

1) Doug's Secret Christmas

Okay, you may not have seen this one...but it is my favourite Christmas special ever. This is an episode of the cartoon Doug that was released individually on VHS. (Yes, VHS...remember those?) It's all about Doug's family not really caring about the holiday season. So, he decides to celebrate all on his own. Something about this story really resonated with me. There are moments when my family isn't as enthusastic as I am about Christmastime, so I completely understand where he is coming from. I watch this at least a couple of times each Christmas and it never gets old.

2) Miracle on 34th Street

Who could ever get tired of Miracle on 34th Street? I know that some people prefer the original, but I am all about the Mara Wilson version! There is just something about it - the character growth, the emotions, and of course, the holiday spirit it inspires. I usually watch this several times throughout the holidays....but I always like it the best when my Dad sits and watches it with me.

3) Christmas With the Kranks

Watching this next Christmas movie is one of the highlights of the entire season. Why? My mom and I will make some hot chocolate, grab some gingerbread cookies, and watch the movie together. No laptops, no phones, no work. It's just about spending time together and appreciating the magic of Christmastime. Even thinking about it now, I can't wait to watch it this year.

4) A Christmas Story

I think I have seen this movie more than any other. I could recite every line! In my house, we have a leg lamp, a Christmas Story village, and ornaments galore. We just love this movie. Each year, my family and I put A Christmas Story on during breakfast and while we open presents. In fact, it plays all day on Christmas. (We were inspired by TBS's 24 hours of a Christmas Story.) To me, this movie just represents my family on Christmas Day. It will always be special to me for that reason.

5) The Santa Clause

Who doesn't love The Santa Clause? I mean, really! It is just so funny and equally heartwarming. I love all three of the movies in this series, but the first one has to be my favourite. Watching the relationship with his son evolve is truly beautiful. I just cannot get enough of this Christmas movie. (Which is probably why I've watched it three times already. Oops!)

Choosing a top 5 was ridiculously hard, so I had to do a few honourable mentions. They are: Christmas Vacation, anything and everything Rankin and Bass, Elf, I'll Be Home For Christmas, and the Fresh Prince Christmas episode.

Those are my favourites....what are yours?

xo Shannon


  1. Those are some of the best Christmas specials, my all time favourite would have to be The Santa Clause. Always a classic and I could probably watch it over and over again, same with the second one. But the first will always be my childhood favourite.

  2. Not a Christmas special per se but I love Love Actually, such a great Christmas movie!

  3. Amazing scenes and movies!
    Merry Christmas sweetie!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  4. Love all these Christmas movies!


  5. lovely picks doll ! we follow each other on GFC :) i am also following you on Bloglovin :) please follow me there also dear :) xx

  6. Number 2 is my favourited :D i aw it many times :D
    great post

  7. I love those movies too, Home Alone is the best :)

  8. I don't know if Home Alone is a Christmas special, but I LOVE THAT MOVIE, especially the second one! Thank you Shannon for stopping by my blog and leaving such a kind comment. Merry Christmas!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  9. Love the first pic but I don't know these movies! Lucy

  10. aw sound fun ^^ i like a christmas story ^^

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  11. Love your list. A Christmas Story is the best classic but Christmas Vacation is hands down the most hilarious!
    Happy Holidays!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  12. ❊..(
    ❊#ª“˜¨ ᴺᴵᴳᴴᵀ﹗
    Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo 2014!!!
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  13. such classics, and some SO funny! Thanks for sharing your faves!

    Amanda |


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