Sunday, December 1, 2013

winter is putting footsteps in the meadow.

I feel like I've been waiting so long to say this,'s December. Finally! In my home, Christmas is a huge deal. Not just the day of Christmas itself, but all the build up. We love watching Christmas movies together, decorating the house (even though it takes ages), going Christmas shopping, baking, and enjoying all of the fun traditions that go along with the season. So, it's no wonder that I always countdown to December, rather impatiently.

Unfortunately, not everyone I know is as into Christmas as my family. In fact, most people I know gripe: "But it's not even December, yet!" when I put on Christmas music at work or say that I want to watch Miracle on 34th Street. To those people, I can now say: yes it is! There is just something about this time of year. The snow, twinkly lights, and all of that warmth? Nothing fills my heart with so much joy.

Thus far, I have begun my Christmas shopping (not quite done, but almost!) and have been listening to the best of Bing Crosby non-stop. Even though life is crazy-busy at the moment, I am doing what I can to make time for the holidays. Sometimes, it's nice to take a moment and remember what is truly important: spending time with the people you cherish most.

Now that the holiday season is officially upon us, I thought that I would post some pictures to get you in the spirit. Here are a few of my favourites:

Are you excited for the holidays? What is your favourite part?

xo Shannon


  1. winter is my favourite season :) love the pics

  2. I love the selection of pictures!!!!!

    Love, Ylenia from Longuette

  3. I adored the pics!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  4. lovely pictures

  5. Lovely selection, I am in a holiday mood :) and the best part of december is putting up all the decoration !

    Fashion and Cookies
    Fashion and Cookies on Facebook

  6. Thank you dear! Have smells like Christmas around here. =)

  7. Great post, the pics are wonderful and get you in the mood for Christmas!

  8. Yes! I am super excited about the holidays, this is one of my favourite parts of the year. Love all the pictures, they are so inspiring!

  9. Just because of what you have just said, I will share a secret with you: my 5 years old daughter and me decorated our home for Christmas in November, of course listening to the best Christmas songs of all time :-) It's never too early or inappropriate to do what makes us feel good!! Big hugs

    Coco et La vie en rose
    Coco et La vie en rose on Bloglovin
    Coco et La vie en rose on Facebook

  10. the holidays are such a fun time. I admit that growing up, my family was disjointed so we didn't celebrate with traditions or get togethers as others did BUT I still love the spirit of the holiday and the festivities around me. As I have gotten older, I get to embrace traditions with my husband and his family and celebrate how we would like to. I love to decorate (we just got our tree this weekend!) and we have also watched some holiday movies and are just starting our holiday activities. =)
    Sharron Murphy

  11. I'm excited too! So many fun traditions to bust out every year. It's funny though, I'm one of those people who groans about Christmas displays right after Halloween, yet I'm always playing Christmas music during Thanksgiving dinner. Can't wait!

    xo, Liz

  12. happy december xx

  13. I am so excited for the holidays!
    I love decorating, sipping hot coco over by the fire, sledding, enjoying time off work :P :)

    xo, Haylee

  14. I can't believe it's december already! I'm so excited for Christmas, it's definitely my fave holiday. I even decorated our home middle of November, I'm that excited! =D

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xo
    Chriissydollxo Blog | BlogLovin'

  15. great blog!!! Can we follow each other?

  16. I am so with you on the Christmas train! I have been singing "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas" for the past three weeks non-stop. At this point I have already decorated three trees, finished shopping, and wrapped most of my gifts! So much fun!

    Also, my friend is hosting a giveaway on her blog where you have the chance to win any one of my prints for free! They're cute and its worth an entry! Check out Take Hart Blog

    xo, Kelsey Belle | Happie Reading Blog

  17. Beautiful! I love December, actually I love New year, celebration and shopping gifts, making stuff..It`s nice to do this...

  18. Beautiful Christmas inspirations. You have a lovely blog!:)

  19. This post is adorable, Shannon <3 And the pictures you picked are absolutely perfect! Merry Christmas to you and your family :-)


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