Wednesday, January 22, 2014

hair tutorial: dramatic night out hair

On a day to day basis, my hair routine is pretty...ordinary. Most of the time, I'll throw it back into a bun or scrunch through some mousse to add just a little extra wave. When I'm going out though, I like to mix it up a bit. Lately, I've posted a lot about makeup and, I thought that I would show you my go-to going out hair look instead. It's a little dramatic, but hey! As far as I'm concerned, that is a good thing.

As you can see from the picture above, this hair look is a half-up half-down style - with some volume and texture. Want to try it create it yourself? Follow these steps to achieve a dramatic night out hairstyle: 

STEP 1:  Just Beginning

To get things started, wash and condition your hair with your favourite products. From there either let your air dry or use your blow dryer. Make sure your hair is completely dry before you continue on with the rest of the tutorial. Why? Damp hair just won't style properly!

STEP 2: Super Straight

Once your hair is dry, it's time to grab that straight iron. While the end result will have a bit of curl and texture, you want your hair to look sleek and sophisticated, too. Brush through your hair to remove any tangles. Use your straightener on small sections of hair until it has a straight and smooth appearance.

Here's a tip: don't forget about the heat protectant! Any time you use a heat styling tool, you want to make sure that your hair won't be damaged. So, spray on a little heat protectant before you start straightening.

STEP 3: Lots of Height

Now it's time for a little volume. The most dramatic part of this look is definitely the pouf on top. (Think Snooki chic! A little volume goes a long way when you're taking a hairstyle from day to night.) To create it, you'll need a hair clip, teasing comb, and some strong hold hairspray. Start by sectioning off the very front part of your hair. Spray the hairspray on the underside of the section, right at the root. This will give your hair some texture when you tease it.

Speaking of teasing....grab that teasing comb! Backcomb the section from underneath until you have created tons and tons of volume. Take that section and swoop it back. Then, simply pin it in place to create that voluminous pouf. Remember, even though you teased the underside, the top should look smooth. Use your comb to smooth any fly away bits!

Once finished, the pouf section should look a little something like this:

STEP 4:  Barely There Curls

You're almost done! It's time to add a little bit of texture and shape back into the length of your hair. There are a few options with this style. You could curl it all or make it super all depends on your mood, where you're going, and how much time you have.

What I did was take my flat iron and curl just the front pieces and ends of my hair. This gave it a little more shape - which helped to balance out that pouf! Once your curls have cooled completely, break them up a bit. You can do this by brushing through them gently with your fingers. That's the look!

Making It Better: Using Hair Extensions

This dramatic and glamorous style really suits long hair. So, take this look to the next level by adding on some clip in hair extensions! They are easy to use, come in many different shades, and can give you tons of length and volume. Hair extensions are especially great for anyone who is growing out a shorter cut, who has thin or fine hair, or just wants to change it up!

If you decide to give them a try make sure you get quality extensions. They will last longer and look even better. You can find out more about wearing hair extensions and affordable pricing options over at Ted Hair.

Now that you know exactly how to create this hairstyle, it's time to take another look at the finished product. Here is my dramatic night out hair :

What do you think of this look? Do you have a go-to going out hairstyle?

xo Shannon


  1. Pretty! This look really suits you and looks lovely for a night out xxx

  2. great top! you have good sense of style

  3. Lovely!!! Perfect both hair and make up!

  4. So pretty! Love both the hair and makeup!! xx

  5. Gorgeous job! I do most of the steps above, except for the height part. Some hair types are too coarse for it, but you did a great job with yours. Must be one of the lucky ones who can pull it off.

    Thanks for sharing. You look great.

    Beauty Fashion Skin Care Blog -Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Chic Style

  6. so pretty :)

  7. beautiful make up!

  8. Amazing hairstyle and gorgeous make-up.... you look fab Shannon!!!!
    Have a lovely day doll!

  9. You're so beautiful, Shannon! :)

  10. OOOH! I'll go try that hairstyle with my karmin g3 straightener, thanx a lot for the ideas!

  11. lovely hairdo

  12. Lovely style! Beautiful make up!!! Thank you for visiting my blog! Do you want to see my last post?
    Leather pants by MSGM

  13. you are so cute and pretty :D

  14. I could never pull something like that off, but it looks amazing on you :D

  15. nice hair look!


  16. great look ! love the hair look :) xx

  17. What a stunning outfit, love everything about your blog.. You look amazing.Would be happy to welcome you also on my blog . Following you on bloglovin and instagram. I wait you on my account :) much love and keep n touch! :)))

  18. You look fabulous, it's an awesome tutorial and you are soooo pretty!

    Sarah Fogartya

  19. love the look :)

  20. I like this make up on you. Beautiful eyes!


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