Wednesday, January 8, 2014

new in: steamcream

Even though the holidays are over, winter is still in full swing. What does that mean exactly? Dry skin, dry skin, and more dry skin. That is why this season, I've been using STEAMCREAM. (If you missed my last post about it, you can check that out here!) Unlike so many other moisturizers I've tried over the years, STEAMCREAM really traps in the moisture. So, there are no more flaky patches or itchy skin. Needless to say, this has become my go-to product this winter!

One thing I really love about this product (other than the fantastic results, of course) is the packaging. Each tin from STEAMCREAM comes with a gorgeous design. They are perfect to use and display. I  like to keep mine on my counter top. It just adds a little extra oomph! The first tin from STEAMCREAM that I tried was Thalia, which had a beautiful floral design.

The latest tin in my collection is Ume Ni Uguisu (pictured above). I love this design because it is so pretty and feminine. To me, the flowers, tree branches, and bird represent a new beginning. And the new year is the perfect time to celebrate just that! The moisturizer in this tin has the same luxurious texture and light scent that STEAMCREAM is known for. I am quite thrilled to have it!

I used Ume Ni Uguisu before doing my makeup and it definitely kept my skin feeling great. Here is my finished makeup look:

Other products used to create this makeup look were: The Little Mermaid eyeshadow palette, NARS Deep Throat blush, Blinc cosmetics eyeliner pen, and Bourjois Effet 3D lipgloss.

To find out more about products from STEAMCREAM, be sure to check out their website:

Have you tried STEAMCREAM yet? What do you think of this tin design?

xo Shannon


  1. ...lovely packaging!!!!!!

  2. Lovely red lips! The tin is beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  3. Oooo I wanna try this so bad! Thank you Shannon!

  4. Your makeup looks amazing as usual! You should start posting larger pics of yourself so that we can see you better :) I just checked out steamcream and they have such a stunning selection of tins! Amazing! I wish you and your loved ones a very happy new year

  5. The packaging of this product is really beautiful :) I really like your make up :)

  6. I want to try that product!
    It seems amazing!!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  7. This sounds perfect for winter Shannon! Thanks for sharing this product and the tin is super pretty. Love the packaging! Thanks also for stopping by and leaving your nice comment. I love when you visit!
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  8. how cute is this little can of goodness! :) i love products like these, you can reuse the packaging when youre done with it

  9. Omg yes dry skin in the winter is a big no no moisturizing is my best friend.
    This looks super creamy and perfect.
    You are gorgeous.

  10. You are a wonderfull girl!!! :-) Thank you for visiting my blog! Do you want to see my last post?
    17 posto nella classifica dei blog più seguiti e blog dell'anno Ben Moda
    Back to the future

  11. Love your make up I like the sweater as well! Where is it from?

  12. It seems great babe, you are always so pretty!

    Sarah Fogartya

  13. I don't know this brand, I like the packaging =)
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC??

  14. I am in love with the tin and drooling over the floral design on it...great product for dry look very lovely


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