Friday, January 24, 2014

the blush is beautiful, but it is sometimes convenient.

It's been a while since I have been ridiculously excited about new drugstore makeup. For too long, it's been okay or pretty good. Finally, Maybelline has knocked one out of the park. Chances are, if they haven't already, you'll soon see the Master Glaze By FaceStudio Blush Sticks popping up at your local drugstore.

At first, I bought Pink Fever (the bright, vibrant pink, pictured above). The colour was so fun and fresh that I simply couldn't walk past it. When I got home and tried it out, I was amazed. Talk about colour! The colour payoff was incredible. It was a bright, bold, and totally girly pink. It blended well across the skin, you could really build up the colour nicely, and it lasted throughout the night. Talk about impressed.

So, it's probably not a surprise that I went back the next day to pick up three more shades. (There are five in total. I skipped out on the coral shade, simply because I already have way too many corals in my blush collection as it is.) The other shades I picked up were Just Pinched-Pink, which is a lighter more every day kind of blush shade, Warm Nude, which is a gorgeous slightly shimmery bronze blush, and Make a Mauve, which is a really gorgeous berry shade.

Here are some swatches of the Master Glaze Blush Sticks:

Left to Right: Pink Fever, Just Pinched-Pink, Warm Nude, Make a Mauve

Just like Pink Fever, all of the other shades in this collection behaved very much the same. They blended well, had tons of colour payoff, and had great longevity. For about $9CDN, they were quite the steal. Since buying them, they have been my go-to. They are perfect to use alone or as a base. Plus, they are great for on the go. Just toss one into your makeup bag and you're good to go!

I don't know about you, but I cannot get enough of these gorgeous colours! Here is a little makeup look I put together, with  Pink Fever on the cheeks.

So, there you have it! Some new drugstore items to actually get excited about. If you're a blush addict like I am, these are an absolute must-have. Trust me, you won't regret adding a couple of these shades to your makeup collection.

Have you tried the Maybelline Blush Sticks? What do you think of them?

xo Shannon


  1. I think you have the perfect cheekbones for blush! I don't really wear too much makeup, but I've tried the roll on/creme blushes before and they didn't come off when I washed my face!

    Thanks for the review on these blushes, maybe I'll try my hand at the makeup thing again!

    Sam @ DIY Huntress

  2. It looks like great product ;) Pink Fever is a beautiful colour <3
    Blond Yasmin❤

  3. So glad I stopped by today and read this. Did not know this was on the market. Colors look nice.
    Beauty Fashion Skin Care Blog - Girlie Blog Seattle | Cheap Makeup Reviews

  4. wow, your cheeks looks amazing! I am always weary to try the stick kind of blush. It has been a while since I have bought makeup from the drugstore. Time for me to make a trip and see what else is new! Thanks for sharing your review on it!

  5. These look great! I still have yet to see them in my drugstore, but I may have to try one out, especially to use during the spring and summer months.

    Des Simple Charm Beauty

  6. I never tried a blush stick!! It's really cute! My favorite color is the Just Pinched-Pink! But the Pink fever is great on you!! Love your make up!



  7. it seems great! Im gonna try them all!

  8. No, I havent yet, but seeing how lovely it looks on you I might get one too xx

  9. Tutto stupendo. Complimenti.I’m waiting for you on BABYWHATSUP.COM


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    Kisses, Alis.

  10. You always have an amazing makeup :)

    NEW POST...

  11. love the red one :D


  12. Lovely color on you! I definitely should give one of these a try when they reach our stores! Thanks for your kind comment on my blog Shannon!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  13. pretty colors pretty you!!!!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  14. Pink fever and make a mauve are beautiful shades. I hadn't actually heard of these until now! x

  15. I haven't heard of these. Dont think I will try them cause Im not really a blush girl, but the colors are really pretty :D

  16. I love cream blushes.. These are sooo gorgeous !!! I love the pink , big fan of pink .

  17. Wow! These look great! I haven't seen them yet but I'll be sure to try them when I do. Thank you for sharing! Best, CD. ican'taffordmylifestyle

  18. they look amazing !! looks pretty on you :) i have never tried this :) xx

  19. You're really pretty! Them looks great! Lucy

  20. I love just pinched and you are so beautiful.


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