Saturday, January 18, 2014

who says makeup has to be serious to look good?

It's time for another review! I have been trying out tons of new makeup products lately...including a few from Bourjois. I've heard great things about this brand in the past but had never tried anything from them. This Christmas, I was given the Khol Kajal and the 3D Effet Lip gloss. 

The first part of this review is going to look at the lip gloss. It is a shimmery red colour in the shade 06. As you can see from the swatch below, the colour is very true to how it looks in the packaging. This really impressed me because so many lip glosses out there look like one colour in the tube but come out really sheer on your lips. 

When it comes to lip gloss, I am pretty picky. I don't like anything that feels remotely sticky. Unfortunately, I find the majority of glosses on the market are either sticky or have very little colour payoff. (That is why NARS lip glosses are my absolute favourites. Not sticky and still super pigmented.)

That is why when I tried out the Bourjois 3D Effet Lip gloss for the first time, I was a little bit hesitant. Would the colour last? What would it feel like? After trying it, I found myself happily surprised. The colour looked gorgeous, it lasted for several hours without needing to be touched up (though not quite as long as that 8 hour claim!), and it wasn't the least bit sticky. This is definitely a good quality lip gloss that I can see myself reaching for a lot.

Now, moving on to the Khol Kajal. This is essentially a kohl liner with a pointed tip that gets wider the further down it goes. I don't have anything quite like this in my makeup collection, so it was fun to try! There are things that I like about this and things that I don't love quite so much.

What do I like? The fact that the colour is super pigmented. It's quick and easy to use and it looks great. What I don't like as much? The fact that once that pointed tip starts to wear down, it will be much harder to have control of the product. Also, this isn't as creamy to apply as I hoped it would be. Overall, though, it's a decent - if not spectacular - product. I'm excited to get creative with this one!

To end this post, I thought that I would show you the makeup look I created using the Khol Kajal.

So, that is my first experience trying out products from Bourjois. There are a few more that I have on my wish's just a matter of time!

Have you tried anything from Bourjois? What do you think of these products?

xo Shannon


  1. Love it, can't go wrong with a black smokey eye!


  2. Wow, stunning look dear!! Loved your review!

    xo Nikki Boucher

  3. love the look beautiful

  4. So I haven't tried anything from them yet, but this inspired me to do so. The eyes look great.

  5. thats really easy yet sophisticated! the lip product is soo pretty

    xx Jeeshan

  6. Beautiful makeup look! lovely products.xx

  7. Amazing smokey eyes!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  8. Your eyeshadow looks beautiful! i wish i was that talented! great post

  9. I love your final look ! It looks really stunning.

  10. This make up is AMAZING on you!! Love your eyes and the color of the lipgloss!



  11. wow! The look you created is gorgeous! LOVE it!

  12. lib balsam is wow :) i love your smokey eyes

  13. I haven't tried anything from this brand, I def feel the same way about sticky lip gloss. My hair is always getting stuck in it! hahahaha

  14. Il lucidalabbra rosso è davvero stupendo! Ha un colore brillante e ricco...
    Un bacio
    My Dip in Fashion

  15. I love the Bourjois Khol Kajal! It's insanely pigmented, but I agree with you, the packaging is not really ideal. It looks cute but once the pointed bit is gone then it's hard to use it.

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xo
    Chriissydollxo Blog | BlogLovin'

  16. Your eyes looks beautiful. Love the look.

    xoxo Ra

  17. Wonderful result... I love your make-up!!!!!!!!!
    Have a great start of the week babe!!!!

  18. Wowww love this make up! so cool.
    Kisses and have a nice week
    The Indian Savage Diary

  19. Gorgeous make-up and you are so hot babe!!

    Sarah Fogartya

  20. Great make up!, i love colour of the lipstick !


  21. The smokey eyes make up looks so good on you! xoxo Nini

  22. thats a great smokey eye. i dont know why but i dont ever buy kajal/kohl type products. they're great for smudging out but i never want to smudge anything and prefer perfectly clean lines. but then again, i see looks like this and think differently :)
    A Beautiful Zen


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