Monday, January 6, 2014

you must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.

It is back to work for me! I definitely enjoyed having a little bit of extra free time (heck, having some free time!) over the holidays. Now that the New Year is in full swing, though, I am starting to get back into my daily routine. It can probably go without saying at this point, but I have been doing an awful lot of writing lately. On that note, I thought I would share a few of my more recent articles!

Bold Eyeliner Trends and How to Make Them Work For You
Tartan Trendy: How to Wear The Hottest Trend The Right Way
The Best Ways to Deal With Dark Under Eye Circles
Holiday Makeup Tutorial: Perfect Makeup For Any Seasonal Event
5 Ways to Wear an Ugly Christmas Sweater In Style
Easy Christmas Morning Makeup

Hairstyle Stars
3 Curly Hairstyles For Medium Hair
How To Do a Braided Bun
Hot Looks For Fall and Winter 2013: The Low Updo
Vintage Hairstyles - Veronica Lake Curls
Cute Hairstyles For Round Faces

Jada Beauty
Braided Hairstyles Inspired By: The Hunger Games Catching Fire
Professional Hairstyles to Rock Any Job Interview
3 Perfect Updos For Your Next Party

Beauty O'Holic
All About Nails
Christmas Eve Traditions
Fashion: Christmas Sweaters

Phew! So, those are a few of the things that I've written lately. I'd love it if you checked out one or two of them.

What have you been keeping yourself busy with lately?

xo Shannon


  1. Great list of post, love the nail ones particularly x

  2. Hey Shannon,
    I checked out your tartan print article and loved it. Great tips and fab writing! Have a good week dear!
    xx Easy Outfits, by Pip

  3. oh great articles xx

  4. Loved your vintage hairstyles article ! You have sure been a busy bee !

  5. Oh lovely that's alot of writing there, good going..The tartan trend article is fabulous !

    Feisty Fox Diaries

  6. What a beautiful post! I love it! :)

    Feel free to visit my blog as well! You will find topics such as health, beauty, NYC fashion, personal growth and motivation between others! <3

    New Outfit Post: The sun on a Rainy Day

  7. Very nice blog!I just followed you on GFC and i also like your page!

    1. Hi, our company has been looking for stylish girls to show our products. Our main products are fancy and affordable accessories, also latest trendy cloths, bags, shoes and so on. If you are interested in us, please introduce yourself by sending and email to [email protected]. If you are selected, we will offer you certain kinds of goods totally for free. Look forward to your responds. Thanks a lot.

  8. Replies
    1. Hi, our company has been looking for stylish girls to show our products. Our main products are fancy and affordable accessories, also latest trendy cloths, bags, shoes and so on. If you are interested in us, please introduce yourself by sending and email to [email protected]. If you are selected, we will offer you certain kinds of goods totally for free. Look forward to your responds. Thanks a lot.

  9. Thank you for your sweet comment! Hope you are having a good new year!

  10. lovely post!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  11. wow, indeed quite some writing:) beautiful post dear! Have a lovely year ahead of you



  12. Great list my dear, have a gorgeous 2014!

    Sarah Fogartya

  13. You busy bee! Just read your braided hair tutorial from Catching Fire and it's soooo informative babe! I'll definitely have to try this out before chopping the locks!

    Happy New Year hun! Thank you for visiting and hope to see you back for my latest!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  14. Hi, our company has been looking for stylish girls to show our products. Our main products are fancy and affordable accessories, also latest trendy cloths, bags, shoes and so on. If you are interested in us, please introduce yourself by sending and email to [email protected]. If you are selected, we will offer you certain kinds of goods totally for free. Look forward to your responds. Thanks a lot.


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