Saturday, February 1, 2014

do you realize if it weren't for edison we'd be watching TV by candlelight?

Okay, I admit it....I am a TV junkie. I watch a lot of shows either while I work or as a way to unwind after a long day. One of those shows? Steven and Chris. If you don't know this one (it only airs in Canada!) it is a talk show focused on home decor, fashion, and self-improvement. Recently, I got my mom and I tickets to one of the tapings in Toronto.

We have gone a couple of times in the past and it is always lots of fun! The tapings are early in the morning but they are super high energy, which is always a good thing. This particular episode was about finding the perfect denim, restaurant decor, and workout gadgets. It was definitely a good time.  In between segments, there were games and prizes, too.

The most exciting part of the whole thing? Finally finally getting to meet Steven and Chris themselves! After the show, they were nice enough to stick around and take pictures with people in the audience. I was thrilled. Every time my mom and I have gone to the taping, they always seem to be running behind and can't get to everyone. Not this time. They were super sweet and okay, I maybe shamelessly hit on Chris. (I couldn't help it....he's too gorgeous!) Our picture turned out really cute and my mom and I both left the studio feeling happy and excited.

Here is my picture with the amazing Steven and Chris:

As we we leaving the studio, we were given some parting gifts: Nicole by OPI Oil to Go for cuticles along with three OPI top coats. Definitely a nice surprise! While I was there, I also picked up this super cute Steven and Chris glass water bottle. It almost seems too nice to use at a water bottle, so I'm going to fill it up with some glass beads and put it on my shelf. Instant decor! Take a peek at my gift bag and water bottle:

Overall, it was a really fun day. After we left, I took my mom to lunch and we did a little shopping downtown. It was definitely a great way to spend some time together!

Have you ever gone to a TV taping? What did you think of it?

xo Shannon


  1. Wow, good information to know! :)

  2. I have gone to the taping of Its On With Alexa Chung, you have to arrive early! lol

  3. I have never went to a taping of a TV show. Been a part of an audience for a country music video. It want that fun but I was just a kid Lol typing in a bar but it was a cousin of the family lol. I don't believe I made the cut Haha . This looked like a lot of fun and nice take home gifts.

  4. I've never been to a taping of a TV show, but it looks like I really should- you seemed to have a good time! Also, your goodies that you picked up are awesome...I love the polishes :-)

    Sharlotte // Sharlotte

  5. Lovely to read your post and you have clearly enjoyed your day:)

  6. Great post dear...

    my recent one :Freeman Facial Clay Mask !!!

  7. What a fantastic experience!!!
    You look very happy.
    Kisses honey

    Alicia & Sofía

  8. That sounds like an amazing show and it must have been great to meet them! I wish they would broadcast it in Portugal :(

  9. That's very cool that you got to go to a taping of the show. Glad that you had a great time.

  10. It is always great to meet people you have admired and you are so lucky, you got to meet them!! You looked great!

    Have a great day.

    ~ Seepz
    That Sassy Girl

  11. whoa cool! And you looked amazing! I've been to a taping of Chelsea Lately and Philip Hornbymy Kimmel....but not anything like a day time talk show!

    Amanda |

  12. You have an amazing blog :) I love your style of writing! keep doing what you're doing:)

  13. Amazing show... great experience!!!!!
    Have a great week darling!!!!

  14. I'm so happy for you honey!! I'm sure you had a so great time!

    Sarah Fogartya

  15. So pretty ! My blog →

  16. Nice pics, you're so lovely! Lucy

  17. nice experience!


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