Monday, March 31, 2014

new makeup: wet n wild and milani

Editing Note: Since Milani chose to contribute to a campaign that involved the harassment and bullying of a domestic violence survivor, I no longer support the brand and do not recommend their products. Spend your money wisely and look elsewhere. 


There are certain drugstore brands that I love. Two of them are Wet n' Wild and Milani. I am consistently impressed with the quality of their products. So, when I came across some new items at my local store, I bought these on impulse. What are they? Two eyeshadow trios: Silent Treatment and I'm Getting Sunburned by Wet n' Wild and one baked blush: Bella Rosa by Milani.

My makeup collection already has a fair amount of Wet n' Wild shadows. I always love the pigmentation and the quality. They are very inexpensive but are comparable to higher end eyeshadows. I am such a fan. That is why I simply had to grab Silent Treatment and I'm Getting Sunburned. Let's take a closer look at these eyeshadow palettes - and how they swatch!

As you can see, these two palettes are pretty different. One is all about bold neutrals while the other is super summery. What was it about these trios that made me just have to own them? Well, Silent Treatment stood out to me because the three shades are ones that I could see myself wearing on a day to day basis. Say, for example, I am running late for work in the morning and need something quick. This is the perfect palette! I love the Taupe eyeshadow shade and was also really impressed with the pigmentation on the darkest colour as well. It's a smokey eye set in 1-2-3.

The I'm Getting Sunburned trio was very different. It includes a shimmery pink, a very dark shimmery brown, and a gold colour. Every single shade is well pigmented - and I really love this combination of colours. The pink shade is a great way to change up this golden smokey eye and add a hint of colour. It is such a gorgeous set. Out of the two, this is the one I was most hesitant about...but it actually ended up being my favourite. I can see myself wearing this a lot during the summer months!

Now to take a peek at the Milani baked blush in Bella Rosa:

As you can probably see from the picture above, this blush is bold! I am a self-confessed blush addict, so whenever I see a shade that is unlike anything else I have....well, I just lunge for it. That is exactly what happened with Bella Rosa. It's definitely a rosy berry shade that is quite dramatic. Since it is so pigmented, a little goes a long way. When I use this, I apply it to the apples of my cheeks and then blend it all out with my foundation brush. I've found myself reaching for this blush a lot lately. It's just gorgeous!

To finish off this post, here is a makeup look that I created using my new Wet n' Wild trio, I'm Getting Sunburned and the Milani baked blush, Bella Rosa. Let me know what you think of these products in action!

Have you tried any of these products? What do you think of the colours?

xo Shannon


  1. i havent try them but the colors are lovely!

  2. The wet and wild eyeshadows sounds lovely, haven't tried them before but will have to be on the look out now.

  3. not available here in Guate but I´ve heard great comments about wet n wild...

  4. I actually have i'm getting sunburned in wet and wild, and I love it! It's my new favorite eye shadow pallete, I wear it almost daily.

  5. I love those two brands! I recently bought Bella Rosa and am loving it! The Wet n Wild trio shadows are amazing! I love that they have so many options and you can use them up for one look. Small and compact. Perfect!

    Des | Simple Charm Beauty

  6. Love the colors!

    Check out my latest posts on Venoma's fashion diary
    XoXo Venoma

  7. nice collection!

  8. Nice make up!!!! Lovely this products! Thank you for visiting my blog! Do you want to see my last post?
    Inside Me

  9. The blush is amazing! Great makeup dear. xo

  10. loving blusher :) Milani have quite good inexpensive blushers

  11. That's a gorgeous make up!! You look beautiful girl. I totally agree with the milani blush, one of my fav pink shade is by milani.

  12. you look super gorgeous and glamorous, shan! ♥♥

  13. Beautiful Makeup! So Gorgeous.

    Have a great day.

    ~ Seepz

  14. Shannon you seriously are a makeup expert! Beautifully applied as always! Must try wet n wild:)!

  15. You are really a great make up artist darling!


  16. Thanks for this post, very inspiring!

    Good luck!

  17. Lovely make-up, as usual Shannon!!!!!
    Kisses doll, happy wed!!!

  18. I have both of the Wet n Wild trios and I love them!! Such great pigment and easy to blend! I haven't tried any of the Milani blushes but this one looks beautiful!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  19. I love it on you!! Looks great :) And the pink blush is the perfect shade for spring!

    Amanda |

  20. I have the 'm Getting Sunburned palette, I love it. I'm so sad that I don't have Milani near. I have to ordered it and the shipping is way too high. Darn...
    Love the makeup on you!

  21. They look great and even nicer on you!


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