Tuesday, March 25, 2014

tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it.

Who can resist super affordable makeup palettes? Not me! I don't know what it is....it's like I just have to take them home with me. Tons of new shadows, blushes, and lip products to play with. It's all just too exciting! Okay, so I don't expect to find the best products ever inside these plastic cases. But there is something undeniably thrilling about trying out colours that are a little bit different.

Around the holidays, I picked up a $10 palette from Joe Fresh. I actually already have a bunch of Joe products in my makeup collection, so I immediately gravitated towards this little set. Here's the thing about Joe Fresh makeup: some of their products are amazing and some are just so-so. It's time to find out how this palette stacks up. Let's start by taking a peek inside that (kind of flimsy) packaging:

As you can see from the picture above, this set comes with: 12 eyeshadows, 6 lip glosses, 2 blush shades, a mini mascara, 1 cream highlight, and some mini brushes. There is definitely plenty to work with here - and for such an affordable price, it was definitely worth the gamble.

After playing around with this set for a little while, there are some things that I like and some things that I'm not a huge fan of. To start with, here is a closer look at the mascara and the blush swatches. (I didn't bother to swatch the lip glosses because frankly, they all looked very similar. Sad!)

This set came with a mini-mascara and some of those little brushes. The brushes itself are a nice addition, but quite frankly, I will never use them. Good if you're taking this away with you but not something to use on a regular basis. As for the mascara itself? It's very basic and doesn't do much for your lashes. I wouldn't recommend it! Before you throw your hands up thinking this section is a total waste of time, it's not. The blush shades were actually quite lovely. They are nicely pigmented and the shades are absolutely gorgeous. I am a little obsessed with the deeper shade. It's got a berry undertone that looks really beautiful on the skin.

Now, moving onto the eyeshadow shades. There are 12 in total and they range from light shimmery shades to shimmery bronze colours. Keep in mind: there are no matte shades, so if that's what you're after, skip this set.

The verdict on the eyeshadows? Some are fantastic - super pigmented, no fall out, and have a great texture. Others have less colour than I'd like and are flaky. I found the light shimmery shades and deep bronzey shades to be gorgeous. The bolder colours (like the purples, blues, and greens) were a bit of a let down, unfortunately! There is definitely a great range of shades here, but a little more consistency would have benefited this palette for sure.

Pros? Some eyeshadow shades are absolutely gorgeous and the blush shades are beautiful as well. Cons? The 'extras' don't add much to this set, the glosses are nothing special, and the packaging is cheap and flimsy. There are clearly some good and not so good things about this Joe Fresh palette....now it's time to check out the makeup look I created using it.

Overall, this is a nice little palette to play around with. It's not going to be something I reach for every day, but there are some seriously gorgeous shades included here. It just goes to show - cheap little palettes can sometimes pay off big time!

Have you tried the makeup from Joe Fresh? What do you think of this palette?

xo Shannon


  1. It is a cute little set, especially for travelling. Gorgeous swatches.


  2. Holy cow!! Your makeup looks Fabulous!!


  3. All these colours OH MY!!! perfection :)

  4. Wow, this colors are so beautiful. *__*
    Lovely greets Nessa

  5. perfect make up , love the brown palette !


  6. this palette looks nice!! you have such an amazing blog!

    Keep in touch :)


  7. OoOo so many options! Your makeup looks fab, I love the peachy shade on your cheeks!

    i can’t afford my lifestyle

    1. Thanks so much! That blush shade is definitely my favourite from this set too :)

  8. Beautiful products! have a lovely evening dear!

    Keep in touch on BLOGLOVIN


  9. I like the blue tones, but it's a shame the colour isn't as full as you'd expect them to be. The look you created with the palette however, is absolutely gorgeous!

    La Vie en Mode by N.

  10. love love love joe fresh. so affordable and great x

  11. Dear Shannon today I'm finishing up my blog Scrapbook & I just wanted to personally thank-you for taking the time for posting all of those beautiful comments. It kept my enthusiasm up until the end!
    Thanks so much Melissah

  12. love the palette !! you look awesome dear :) xx

  13. I've never heard about this brand, but it looks great!


  14. Wow this palette is gorgeous! love these shades:)


  15. What a cool palette!! Love the look you put together from the shades!!

    Amanda | feast.fashion.faves

  16. The shades look amazing and the look you created totally rocks. I am glad I just discovered your blog :)

  17. Ah and almost forgot (sorryy) This is my blog http://leticiadimushi.blogspot.com/ Please drop by if you have time :)


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