Tuesday, March 11, 2014

you're the one. the one i've been looking for.

If you're anything like me, Disney movies are a pretty big deal. In fact, anything Disney is a pretty big deal....especially makeup. It's nice when two things you love come together. A little while back, Sephora released their Little Mermaid inspired line. It included nail polish, lip products, perfume, and yes, even eyeshadow. I received the Ariel Storylook Eyeshadow Palette a little while back and I've been trying to use it as much as possible.

At first, I was a little hesitant. The colours were so bright and bold. When it comes to my day-to-day eyeshadow shades, I am all about creating drama with neutrals. So, these colours were a little out of my comfort zone. Blues, greens, pinks....oh my! Even though these colours are different than what I normally wear, I've been having a lot of fun experimenting with them. I guess it's nice to get out of your makeup rut every now and again.

Are you ready to take a look at the Ariel palette and find out my thoughts? Here is a closer look at the shades included in this 20-shadow set.

As you can see from the pictures above, this set has a lot of different shades to choose from. They definitely stick with the under water theme! Lots of blues, greens, and pinks to create the perfect look. There are also a lot of different finishes to choose from: a few matte, some shimmery ones, and some with flecks of glitter. That means whatever type of look you're going for, you can make it happen. I definitely enjoyed the variety available.

I also really loved the theme of the palette. From the super cute packaging to the adorable eyeshadow names (Your Voice, Scuttle, and so on. Super cute!) they really made the set feel special.

What I didn't love so much? The colour pay off. Some shades were more pigmented than others, which led to a few disappointing swatches. (For instance, there was this gorgeous looking turquoise shade included that just didn't give the look I hoped for. Such a shame!) Let's take a look at the swatches:

As you can see from the swatches, the colours aren't very intense - which can be a good thing if you're not a huge colour fan, like me. Otherwise, you may wind up feeling disappointed with it. While the packaging is adorable - and it's great to add to your collection - I wouldn't say that this palette is the be-all-end-all.

I also own the Cinderella palette from the Princess line, and was far more impressed with that one than the Ariel one. That's not to say it isn't good. It is! It's just not the best ever. So, you may want to keep that in mind before you pick this one up.

Here is a picture of the Ariel Storylook Eyeshadow Palette in action:

Do you own this palette? What do you think of the eyeshadow shades?

xo Shannon


  1. Very pretty and nice to step out of your comfort zone once in awhile!

  2. This looks like such an awesome palette!! Gorgeous look you did!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  3. The shade Blue Lagoon looks gorgeous! Love the look you created!

  4. love

  5. hello can you guys follow and support me thanks dreamsbabexo.blogspot.com.tr/

  6. those colors are beautiful !! love it

  7. Ugh I love this, I'm so bummed I missed out on the Jasmine one :(

  8. I love the colours in this palette:)

  9. Amo Ariel, amo i film della Disney e questa palette è stupenda. Purtroppo in Italia non è mai arrivata :( Scusa se ho scritto in italiano ma in inglese sono un disastro :)

  10. You look flawless Shannon!
    Added you via G+
    Do visit my blog <3

  11. Love those colours! :) Great make up! Would you like to follow each other? *

    Le Trendy Charm BLOG
    Le Trendy Charm FACEBOOK

  12. Oh wow those colours are gorgeous!
    I love what you've done to your eyes too.
    You look lovely Shannon :) xx


  13. We love Disney! And The Little Mermaid is one of my favourites :) Gorgeous photos! xx


  14. So pretty! I love Disney, and although I didn't pick up the previous palettes, I'm really hoping the new princess they release is Belle. I love her! Its such a shame that the color pay off isn't that great in this one.

    Des | Simple Charm Beauty

  15. Great doll! Im loving the shadows!
    Keep it up! kisses from Miami,

  16. Wow! Your eye make up looks stunning :)

  17. How cool! I too love anything Disney! The Little Mermaid is one if my favorites! These colors are perfect and they look amazing on you!


  18. very very nice eyeshadows!!!


  19. That palette is so super beautiful, I'm delighted!


  20. You make the best eye looks, I wouldn't be able to do such a make up even with the best palettes ever ! You look so beautiful =)

    Fashion and Cookies
    Facebook / G+ / Bloglovin

  21. Such lovely colours n u look fab :)

  22. OK this is GORGEOUS! And your eye makeup in ON POINT! Gorgeous!!!!! xo


  23. You look amazing! Obviously you're talented, because I'd never be able to apply eyeshadow like that.

    I'm a big fan of neutrals, but I do love a pop of colour from time to time. These look very rich, which I like.

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  24. gorgeousssssss. i wish i could be as skilled in makeup. i just can't!

    chīsana blogger

  25. Oh you look truly stunning with this smoky eyes make-up, gorgeous dear! Beautiful eye-shadows pallet




  26. Amazing palette!!!
    I love your eyes make-up Shannon!!!!!

  27. wow, really nice colours! love them.
    kisses to you
    Maren Anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  28. I do not own that palette but the colors are amazing!!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  29. Beautiful make up! The colors is very very nice! Thank you for visiting my blog! Do you want to see my last post?
    Inside Me

  30. i really love how you put your eyeshadow. it looks amazing
    and that palette just simple gorgeous
    super love it. i'm thinking of buying it now
    thank you for sharing.

    anyway, visit my new post :

  31. Very nice makeup, love the colors!! You have a very nice blog, we invite you to visit our blog and if you like we can follow each other?
    a beautiful maison

  32. I love this palette !

    super pretty !

    ella x


  33. I was able to get my hands on this palette, and I really like it! I'm not super in love because of the pigmentation, but it is a pretty palette!


  34. The Little Mermaid is my FAVE!!!!!!!!!!! Great palette to represent the sea and Ariel!

    Amanda | feast.fashion.faves


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