Wednesday, April 30, 2014

emma stone: love it or leave it?

Are you ready for another installment of love it or leave it? Then let's get started! Today's post is all about Emma Stone. In general, I am a massive fan of both her work and her style. She takes chances on the red carpet but always maintains an air of elegance and sophistication. At the premiere of The Amazing Spiderman 2, Emma definitely turned heads. Before I let you know whether I love it - or want to leave it - let's take a look at her red carpet look.

So, is it a love it or leave it? To start with, these are some of the things that I absolutely love.

What I Love:

I love this dress! No, really. I cannot get over how gorgeous this dress is - and how gorgeous it looks on Emma. It really suits her petite frame. The fit is just perfect. I love the delicate straps, the detailing along the top, and the sophisticated cut-outs on the side. The way the dress flows from form-fitting to loose and flowy makes the dress a total stunner. Instead of looking overwhelmed with fabric, the dress really lengthens her. So flattering! What else do I love? Emma's makeup. It isn't too dramatic or over the top, yet still manages to make a statement. I also love that lip colour on her. Gorgeous!

What I Loathe:

Honestly, there's nothing I totally can't stand about this look. However, I confess: I don't love her hair. To me, it looks far too voluminous to suit this sleek and sophisticated outfit. I would have preferred it to be straight or pulled back into an updo.

Overall, I have to say that this outfit is a love! Even though Emma's hair isn't my favourite style for this outfit, she still looks stunning and red carpet ready.

What do you think of Emma's premiere look? Love it or leave it?

xo Shannon


  1. LOVE IT in capital letters! even the hair is, imho spot on. I am not too good with words, but will try anyway, as you said her outfit is sleek and sophisticated and her hair style just soften it down a little bit, she now has that kind of of fresh girlishness something like that, as I said I explain things very badly, though.

  2. This was definitely my favourite outfit of hers throughout the Spider-Man promo tour!

  3. She looks beautiful! This dress is a stunner!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. The dress is beautiful, though i'm pretty sure Emma could make a garbage bag look chic.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  5. The dress is divine, but I'll have to agree with you on her hair. Inappropriate for the style. :(

  6. She looks amazing *_*



  7. Her dress looks so good! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I love it!

    With love ♥,

  9. I love Emma Stone, but I agree, her new haircut isn't for me. Love that you shared, thanks!

    Love, Sam @ DIY Huntress

  10. She looks amazing! And i can totally understand why you dislike the hair! But i think it's really really cute. It's different, but cute!! :p

  11. she looks amazing.

  12. I think she looks great! The dress really suits the color of her hair, but maybe you are right about it being a bot too voluminous

    X Jessica Blanton

  13. Love it! The dress is very particular but in someway I'm love with it! I agree with you about the hair. In my opinion it was better with her hair tied.



  14. I love it!!!
    Perfect dress, she is stunning!!!!
    Happy friday doll!

  15. She's gorgeous!

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    Sandy |

  16. i love her !! she look stunning in that dress !! my fav girl !! can't wait to see her the movie :) xx

  17. Emma Stone can dye her hair puke green and it would still look freaking gorgeous! Gahhh I love her!

  18. I love it! I think being a star transformed beautifully from the little ugly duck into a swan! :)

  19. The dress is stunning but I think it washes her out, she still rocks it though. Also, love the hair and I think it would work with the look more without the bangs. But she looks fab!

    Amanda |


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