Saturday, April 12, 2014

spring is the time of plans and projects.

Spring is finally underway, which means there is no better time for me to talk about the Bare Minerals Beauty In Bloom set I have been using lately. In the past, I have always walked on by the Bare Minerals section in my local Sephora. It just wasn't a brand I gave much thought to. It wasn't until I was browsing the Sephora website that I started to pay attention. The Beauty In Bloom set immediately attracted me. Gorgeous spring colours and products to try out? Uh, yes please!

This set came with a variety of products (lips, cheeks, and eyes) for just $44 CDN. With seven items packed in this cute little box set, there was definitely plenty to try out. So, what actually was inside? It came with: two eyeshadow shades (Muse, a pink frosty shade, and Passion, a stunning plum colour), a super shimmery mineral eyeshadow (Nude Beach), a powder blush (a soft Nude Pink), a mineral blush (Rose Radiance), a lipstick (Marvelous Moxie, a pink shade), and a lipgloss (in Spark Plug).

Yes, there were a ton of amazing things to try out. I was so impressed with the quality and pigmentation of each and every product. To start with, let's look at the lips. The set included a pink lipstick and a gloss. Both were dusty rose shades, that are feminine, pretty, and totally perfect for spring!

Let me just say that I love the lipstick colour. It looks great and is really moisturizing on the lips. Such a nice spring shade. The size of the lipstick is great for travel, too. As for the lip gloss, I wasn't expecting to like it. This is just because I am super picky about glosses. I hate when they are sticky or tacky at all. This one was actually quite nice, though! It looks great layered over the lipstick or worn on its own. It has a great colour and a nice texture.

Next up are the blush shades. I absolutely love blushes of all different colours but have never tried a mineral one. So, that was pretty exciting! Here is a closer look at the two blush shades included in this set.

Both of these shades are really beautiful. They give a really natural looking flush to the cheeks. I love the quality, the texture, and the pigmentation. I was so so impressed with these! I find myself using the powder blush more often because I just love the colour. But the mineral blush is great as well (it has more of a peachy pink tone) because it adds a really pretty glow to the skin. As far as I'm concerned, both of these products are total winners!

And lastly in this set are the eyeshadow shades. There are three here...two powder and one mineral one. Here they are!

Out of everything in this set, the eyeshadows had to be my favourite products. The two powder shadows are just gorgeous. They have a really silky texture and the colours are just fantastic. In fact, the plum shade is one of my favourite eyeshadow shades of the moment. I find myself reaching for it constantly. It just looks so pretty on! But the stand out? The Nude Beach mineral eyeshadow. It is intensely pigmented and shimmery. It looks absolutely stunning on the inner corner or just swept all over the lid. Whenever I wear this, I feel like a million bucks. I only fear the day I run out of it! Love, love, love.

There you have it: my thoughts on the Bare Minerals Beauty In Bloom set. I have to say, this was money well spent. I am so thrilled with every aspect of this spring-themed makeup kit. I will definitely have to keep an eye out for more Bare Minerals products in the future.

What do you think of this set? Have you tried anything from Bare Minerals?

xo Shannon


  1. Such a great spring collection! I hope I can try them:) Lipstick looks very neutral and sweet:)

  2. So nice, I really want to try out the blush xo

  3. Great products <3

  4. I can see why the eyeshadows are your favorites-- they're such pretty colors :)


  5. I've never tried anything from Bare Minerals but I've heard a lot abt them.
    Love the lipcolor and blush! So pretty.

    If you'd like to follow each other on GFC or anywhere else, do pop by my blog.
    My links are at the bottom of my page.
    I follow everyone back!
    Just let me know if you've followed and give me a day to follow back. :)

    Sandy | SMXYC: Lifestyle, Beauty, Fashion.

  6. Woow I love it!

  7. I like the lipsticks
    You have a really nice blog and I follow you :)
    I hope you can follow me back :)
    Kisses :*
    Alexandra -

  8. You have a lovely blog <3 Everything looks so good!!
    I'm having a giveaway on my blog, I would love if you'd enter:)

  9. Gorgeous set, I love bare minerals!x

  10. Nice set, I've unfortunately never heard of the brand though. Thanks for sharing! Thanks for stopping by my blog Shannon.

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  11. Looks great xx

  12. The eyeshadow set is soooo gorgeous ! Wow !

  13. Great colours doll. Btw we nominated you for most inspiring blogger award
    Kisses from KENYA

  14. ...very pretty this kit...I never tried prodoucts of this brand!!!!

  15. Love it! Bare minerals is such an amazing brand. I want to try more of their lip products :)

    Kristen @ Your Beauty Fix

  16. I am in love with Bare Minerals products, I'd want these things as well ;) Kisses

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  17. This set is very pretty. I've always loved bare minerals products, the quality is great.

  18. Wow perfect! this is beyond beautiful!
    Kisses from Miami,

  19. Truly beautiful spring palette! Absolutely lovely colours, especially I like those lip-glosses



  20. So tempting, all of them! :X

  21. This is such a perfect set for spring! Love that purple shade - no wonder it's your favorite!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  22. Nice set! Perfect for spring!
    I've only tried a mineral powder that came in a brush wand....but it's discontinued now :(

    Amanda |


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