Friday, May 16, 2014

it's okay to love something a little too much,as long as it's real to you.

I remember when I first started to get into makeup. It wasn't my mom or sister that I turned, it was the Internet. One day, I was searching for a makeup tutorial on youtube, so I could have some seriously awesome makeup for Halloween. That led to one video and then to another, and eventually, I found myself watching video after video from Pixiwoo. All of you makeup fanatics probably know Pixiwoo pretty well by now. They are seriously the best!

So, needless to say, I have a bunch of Real Techniques brushes in my collection. I absolutely love them. They're great quality, the bristles are soft, and they work really well. When I got an email last week about their new makeup sets, I didn't even hesitate. I ended up buying the Night Owl makeup set - and a few new brushes, too!

What did I order? The Night Owl makeup set (which comes with 4 eyeshadow shades, 1 gel eyeliner, 2 mini lip glosses, 1 blush, and 1 cream highlight), the stippling brush, and the sponge applicator. As a bonus, I also received a free pencil brush. Woohoo!

So far, I've used the stippling brush and I love it! I was using another one by Sonia Kashuk that I really loved, but it had gotten pretty worn down. It was definitely in need of replacing. The bristles on this brush are super soft and it works really well to apply my foundation. I also gave the pencil brush a try and it's great. I like using it on my lower lash line to smudge out my eyeshadow and make it super smokey.

Now, I haven't used the sponge applicator yet, but I am eager too. Believe it or not, I've never tried a beauty blender before. It's been on my to-do list for way too long, so I finally decided to take the plunge. I'll let you know how it goes in a future post! As for the Night Owl makeup set, I've been using this for the last several days. There are things I love and was disappointed in on this one. But I'll let you know all about that in my next post!

Nic and Sam took my budding interest in makeup to the next level. So, I have an odd thrill when I use one of their brushes - or now makeup products - in my daily routine. They helped me get to where I am today. I love Real Techniques and can't wait to add more of their brushes into my collection as time goes on.

Do you love Real Techniques brushes? Have you tried their makeup yet?

xo Shannon


  1. Ooh I'd love to try this and have been looking for a stifling brush too! Great post! Also would you like to follow each other on GFC and bloglovin? If so just let us know :) xx

  2. I love real techniques products so much! <3

  3. great the shades so much...lucky you got the pencil brush ..great stuff
    follow you on G+, Gfc & Bloglovin, hope you add me
    keep in touch

  4. These look like such great things to have in your makeup bag. I really need to update my brush collection!
    Much love, Jessica Blantonh x

  5. I have their blush brush that I absolutely love but I usually use a beauty blender to apply foundation so I'm really interested to see how their sponge works. Might have to pick it up soon :) xx

    Adventures of an Anglophile

  6. Nice post!! xoxo

  7. Great products! I just followed you :)

  8. I know when I started getting into makeup it was because I was watching fashion YouTubers and one of them did a makeup post and that's when I started obsessing of beauty vloggers and then bloggers as well. Strangely enough though I only learnt about Pixiwoo after having bought and tried out the Real Techniques brushes. My favourite of their collection is their concealer brush and their stippling brush (which I have three of). I've had them for quite a while now and they havn't shed or anything so I just keep buying them. I havn't tried the new sponge yet but I'm super excited to as well :)

    Deb | Debra Bros Blog

  9. I started into make-up after my secondary school and when I am studying diploma, everyone was looking so great and posh everyday which influence me to try make up and see the effect. After I started I just don't seems to be able to stop and I kind of like it (: x

  10. great post! the only brush i have from real techniques is the expert face brush and i love it. i really want to try the sponge.

  11. I also heard so many good things from real techniques but did not try them out so far! I am thinking about gettig a Real Techniques brush set.
    Great post !
    Lot of greetings,

  12. I often turn to youtube for makeup tutorials but Pixiwoo is news to me. I will be definitely checking them out and these brushes as well. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great day.

    ~ Seepz

  13. Another great buy Shannon. I love the sponge, don't know how I ever could do without one ;-) nah seriously I really love it, it's perfect, at least for me.
    Happy Weekend dear

  14. I have yet to try a real techniques product, crazy right???

    Kristen @ Your Beauty Fix

  15. Love this palette! Lucy

  16. I Love Pixiwoo and their Real techniques range- yet to try their palettes though!

  17. Great real techniques

  18. Love the new make-up tools you got ! Gorgeous !!

  19. I've been craving to try that little sponge for a long time.


  20. your make up tool is amazing! and you are so beautiful.
    im a newbie, maybe we can follow each other?

    and check on my blog,

  21. Really want to try out technicques products !


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