Tuesday, May 20, 2014

new favourites and good friends.

Sometimes, you just need a girly day. A couple of weeks ago, a friend and I went downtown for just that reason. We spent some time catching up, had lunch at a local pub, and did some shopping. And boy, did we ever shop! We hit a ton of different stores. No wonder we were so exhausted by the time we caught the train back home. I tried to be good about spending, but ended up buying a couple of t-shirts (a cute floral print shirt, a My Chemical Romance tee, and a Supernatural tank top) and of course, a few beauty products.

What beauty products did I bring home with me? The Too Faced Melted Lipstick in Melted Violet, the Apricot Body Cream from Forever 21, and the Morocco Orchid and Pink Amber Shimmer Fizz from Leyland & Bodyworks.

So, what am I thinking of these new products? Here is a breakdown of my latest additions.

The Too Faced Melted Lipstick in Melted Violet: 

Let's start with the most exciting....the Too Faced Melted Lipstick. I've been hearing about this line from YouTube gurus, bloggers, and beauty fanatics everywhere. So, I couldn't resist trying one myself. By the time I got to Sephora, they were pretty cleaned out of shades. Thankfully, I got my hands on the one I really wanted: Melted Violent. (I have such an addiction to purple lipstick, I can't even deal with it.) Let me say: this product totally lives up to the hype. The pigmentation is insane! It is bright, bold, and absolutely gorgeous. It doesn't dry out my lips, the colour lasts really well, and it just looks gorgeous. You can see me rocking it in my recent sunglasses post. I would love to add more from this line to my makeup collection. Time will tell!

The Apricot Body Cream from Forever 21:

I don't normally grab lotions or body creams from Forever 21. I tend to stick to clothes and accessories exclusively. When my friend and I were waiting in line, though, this little baby caught my eye. They had a ton of lotions and beauty products just sitting there! So, I unscrewed the top and the smell was just so pretty. Light but noticeable. I've been using this one on my hands and arms a lot. It's not the best lotion ever but my gosh, does it smell good. Plus, it was only $4. Well worth the money.

Morocco Orchid and Pink Amber Shimmer Fizz from Leyland & Bodyworks:

And lastly, the shimmer fizz from Leyland & Bodyworks. I had put myself on a ban from buying anything else from this store, because I already have so much....but then I saw this at the front and couldn't resist trying it out. It's a mousse type product that fizzes on the skin. When you rub it in, you are left with tons of shimmer. It looks so pretty! I love rubbing some on my arms and collarbone for just a little extra pop. Totally perfect for spring and summer.

I was super happy with everything I ended up buying. I think they will get a lot of use in the coming months!

What are your recent beauty loves?

xo Shannon


  1. I totally get what you mean about sometimes just needing a girly day out! I miss shopping with my girl friends like we used to!

    I've never tried any body products from Forever 21 but that Apricot cream sounds lovely! Who cares if it works, as long as it smells lush haha! :)

    Laura x

  2. hmm maybe I should try those!


  3. Nice products! Thank you for visiting my blog! Do you want to see my last post?

  4. All look great! Hope they're as good as they look!
    Hope you're well and stop by sometime! Jessica Blantonh, x


  5. Sounds great. ;-)
    Lovely greets Ness

  6. This is beyond beautiful!
    Kisses from Miami,

  7. These products look fab! Sounds like you and your girlfriend had a great time! I just had a pedicure and shopping date with some girlfriends today and it was fun :)
    Keep in touch

  8. I've been hearing so good things about the melted lipstick! Such a pretty color you have, too!!
    Kallie - But First, Coffee

  9. Every girl has to have a shopping day..glad you found some great things!

  10. all look great

  11. Haven't tried any of these..but I think I should! Thank you for stopping by!

    Evi xoxo

    The Notebook of a Fashion Lover

  12. Hi dear!
    Io ultimamente sono in fissa con i rossetti Mac, soprattutto i rossi, rossi-fuxia! Per quanto riguarda i prodotti corpo invece con la Guerlain Terrcotta After sun cream!!!! Oh mamma mia!!! Love Love Love!! I love it!!! it smells of Tiarè!!! wow ^_^

  13. Wow, these products look lovely..Tempted to get the lipstick. Casey // atopsyturvyblog.blogspot.com xo

  14. Great products, I would like to try the apricot cream!!!
    Happy wed darling!!!

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  16. Nice dear... glad you had fun shopping...

  17. I need to get that Apricot body cream for myself on my next trip to F21. I loveeverything and anything Apricot for my skin. Thanks a lot for sharing this.

    Have a great day.

    ~ Seepz

  18. Ok, I'm convinced. I'm buying the lip tint!

    Aesthetic Lounge

  19. I scored a GREAT brow pomade from Too Faced. LOve it!
    L A

  20. I reeaaally want the too faced lipstick! I bet yours looks great on you!

  21. Great stuff Shannon. Just popping in and leaving a hug

  22. have a nice day

  23. I love Too Faced products. Never tried this but it looks good! xxv
    The perks of being a hipster

  24. Oh very cute products!


  25. I love catching up with friends and doing shopping dates!
    Great beauty finds! Can't wait to see the violet shade on you, and yea I'm the same way about beauty products at F21 (I'm gonna need to try the lotions now) and I'm all about shimmer...must have for summer!

    Amanda | feast.fashion.faves

  26. Need to try that melted lip thingy, I am eyeing the red one!

  27. Great picks .now I want to try melted lipsticks too.

  28. Great purchases!! We just love all of the new scents at Leyland & Body Works. That stores gets us every time! :-)

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  29. ...I wish to try too faced lipstick!!!


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