Wednesday, July 9, 2014

birthdays are natures way of telling us to eat more cake.

It's hard to believe....but tomorrow will be my three year blog anniversary. That's right - Mansa Fashion. is turning three!

Since starting this blog, I have interviewed people, shared my thoughts on makeup, fashion, and celebrities, and have experienced plenty of new and exciting things. My life has changed a lot, but one thing remains the same: I love writing this blog. There is something so rewarding about having a place that is truly my own. It's amazing to connect to other beauty bloggers and broaden my horizons.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all for every comment, like, and share. Your support means the world to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


To celebrate the event, I thought this would be the perfect time to do the Confessions of a Blogger tag that was recently posted on Handpicked Beauty. Here goes!

When Did You Start Your Blog: 
I started my blog three years ago. I had this need to channel my passion for makeup, fashion, and beauty into something. At the same time, I had graduated from University and was struggling to find a job in the writing field. So, I decided to combing my passions and bam! Mansa Fashion. was born.

Have You Had Any Past Online Presence? (Other Blog, YouTube, etc.)
Somewhat. I briefly wrote another blog about music and entertainment, but I only posted on it a few times. As much as I love just didn't click with what I needed at the time.

Why Did You Start a Blog?
My love for makeup and fashion had blossomed and I needed a space to share my opinions, thoughts, and my journey. Having a blog of my own was the perfect place to do it. It allowed me to express myself and get creative.

When Did You Become Serious About Starting a Blog?
I'm not sure! I think as I continued to write and started to carve out my own little space on the Internet, it became more serious to me. I started posting on a schedule, trying out new things, and really pushing myself. It just sort of happened naturally over time.

What Was Your First Post?
This one here. It was my introduction to the fashion world! Even today, reading that post makes me smile.

What Has Been Your Biggest Challenge With Blogging?
Time. There are certain moments in my life that are quite busy and hectic. This can make it difficult to put the time and energy into my blog posts. It can sometimes be a struggle to find that time....but I always seem to. For me, blogging is just worth the extra energy.

Where Do You See Your Blog In One Year?
I hope that my blog will have grown as I continue to grow. I want to make improvements to the layout and really make this space as 'me' as possible.

What Is The Most Rewarding Thing About Blogging?
I think it is being a part of something bigger. Sharing my life, my thoughts, and my dreams allows me to be a part of the blogging community - specifically the beauty blogging community. I love that! It lets me connect with new people, learn new things, and have fun.

What Is The Most Discouraging Thing That Has Happened To You?
I don't think there are a lot of things. For the most part, people have been very positive, supportive, and caring. There are times, though, when you put your heart into a particular post and think: wow, I can't wait for that to go up! ....and then no one seems to care about it. That can be discouraging. But it's important to separate yourself from the posts as much as possible, because you never really know how people are going to react.

What Is Your Lasting Inspiration or Motivation?
To find beauty in the world - and to let that beauty remind me how wonderful life truly is.

So, there you have it. Three years of blogging. I am very proud and excited. More than anything, I am looking forward to the coming years for Mansa Fashion. Thank you again for all of the support. It means so much.

xo Shannon


  1. Wow,love the post.its great getting to learn more about.
    3Years in blogging thats a really achievement

  2. great post!

  3. Fabulous dear! love the first photo
    kisses from Miami,

  4. happy birthday to your blog!*

  5. Thank you. =)
    Congratulations on your 3 year blog! ;)

  6. congratulations to you and your blog!
    more power!


  7. Congratulations dear!


  8. Yaaay Congrats :D

    I really like these list of questions and you gave beautiful answers ;D

    Happy Thursday!


    Calypso Tag - GADGET TIP!
    Visit The Fashion Milkshake Blog

  9. Congrats on the three years... Awesome ! Here's to many more to come xxx

  10. Happy blog anniversary!!! Wow three years! I love this picture so much! Congratulations on a job well done Shannon! I love your blog! xoxoxo, Carla

  11. Happy bloggy birthday! You should be so proud!! We wish you many more happy years of blogging!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  12. Cute post! Happy b-day for the blog!

    35 outfits ready for the weekend on lb-lc fashion blog

  13. Awww happy birthday to your blog and a thousand congratulations on a job well done!

    Hosting a giveaway for a bikini voucher on my blog. Come by and check it out!


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi Shannon,

    Wow, happy blog anniversary! I can imagine how much work and fun were these 3 years. Wish youmore and more happy years of blogging! :)


  16. Happy Blog Anniversary!! It's so nice to have a birthday blog;)

    Cassie Thriftier


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