Wednesday, July 23, 2014

don't wait for old age to wear purple.

Sometimes, my biggest makeup inspiration is my makeup collection. There are times when I'll see a picture in a magazine and think: I want to re-create that look! And then there are other times when the look comes to me. Simply going through the makeup I own is enough to inspire me to try something different, use a shade I haven't in a while, and get a little creative.

That happened the other day. I was getting ready to see my boyfriend and I wasn't sure how I wanted to do my makeup. Should I go for something bronzey? Shimmery? Bright? Then I started riffling through my eyeshadow drawers. I came across a Wet n' Wild quad I bought in the wintertime. It had a pale purple, a deeper purple shade, and some cool greys and blacks. Instantly it hit me: purple everything.

I made a grab for my purple Rimmel eye pencil, my radiant orchid blush from Sephora, my Grape coloured Bite lip pencil, and the purple tinted gloss from Clinique. It was purple overload. I don't know quite where this love affair for purple came from - but it just felt right. So, I created a purple inspired makeup look. Take a look!

What I did to create the look? I applied that pale purple shade all over the lid and added the darker purple shade through the crease. A little purple eyeliner added some definition - but kept the look soft and feminine. A sweep of radiant orchid blush on the cheeks (blended out with my foundation for a softer look) and a bold purple lip.

I'm happy with the way this look turned out. It was a lot of purple....but definitely fun to create. It was nice seeing where the inspiration took me!

What inspires your makeup looks? Do you wear a lot of purple makeup?

xo Shannon


  1. You look gorgeous Shannon. hahaha reading the title I thought you were talking about hair color......
    kisses honey

  2. I love purple makeup, I have quite a few products. Your makeup is always gorgeous !

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  3. Beautifully done Shannon! I don't wear much of makeup but I think I should start wearing eyeshadow


  4. I was gifted a makeup set which included purple lipstick and purple eyeshadow. I have been wondering how to use such vibrant colors. Your entry has left me inspired to try purple as well! I'm not much of a makeup person, but it might change in a few years.

  5. love how you put together the purple beauty look!
    I just picked up a couple purple lipsticks and can't wait to try them out!

    Amanda |

  6. It's absolutely a great make up, you look beautiful!


  7. You look great! And no, I have nothing purple nor in make-up, nor in clothing for that matter. Weird. But, oh well, we have a long life ahead! :)


  8. I love this look! I'm gonna try and recreate this with my Naked 2 palette!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  9. Amazing make up, great shade!!!!

    Ciao bellissima!!!

  10. Wow, look at your eyes! This perfect soft smokey in purple! Love it!!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  11. Love this look! It's always so much for rediscovering things in your makeup collection! I don't wear as much purple as I should. You've inspired me!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  12. I like purple shades too. Your make-up looks great, you just gave me an idea! :)

  13. Wow, this make up is so perfect and you're so pretty!
    Hmm, I actually don't wear too much makeup plus I think the only purple thing I own is a dress I wore for my uncle's wedding. :)

    XO, Melissa - My Digital Diaries

  14. Oh honey purple on those amazing eyes is a killer combination! Stunning!

    Thank you for visiting my blog doll, would love to get your thoughts on my latest excursion to tropical Mexico! Hope to see ya back soon!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  15. I love purple. Though for my lip color i tend to go towards plum shades but rock out vibrant purple color for my eyeshadow.


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