Thursday, July 17, 2014

new in: lovelywholesale

Like many fashionistas out there....I love clothes. A lot. There is nothing quite so exciting as putting together the perfect outfit. Another pastime I enjoy? Online shopping. Okay, this one may not be good for my wallet most of the time, but it sure is fun! Thankfully, there is LovelyWholesale. They have tons of gorgeous dresses, tops, skirts, and accessories to choose from - all at affordable prices.

I recently placed an order with them - and got super excited when it arrived. I couldn't wait to try everything on! After doing some browsing and whittling down my wishlist, I ended up ordering two dresses, a t-shirt, and a ring. Truthfully, I wasn't quite sure what to expect, quality-wise. Sometimes great deals mean lower quality. But I was very impressed with LovelyWholesale. The materials didn't feel harsh on my skin and the designs were just as gorgeous as they looked on the website pictures.

Are you ready to take a closer look at what I ordered? Let's start with my absolute favourite piece: the Sleeveless Gold Peplum Dress:

As you can see from the picture, this dress is super sparkly! It is absolutely covered with gold sequins. The look is super dramatic, for sure. It's absolutely perfect for a night out dancing. The top section is sheer and there are cut outs at the sides. The dress is also layered with a long peplum style. This dress cost just $16 USD and it's a total showstopper! I love how glitzy and glamorous this piece is.

Next up is the second dress that I ordered, the Striped V-Neck Mini Dress: 

This next dress cost $10 USD and is totally gorgeous. (My boyfriend actually prefers this one to the glittery gold dress. Go figure!) What I love about the striped v-neck dress is that it is really easy to wear. The stripes are super flattering and the piece is basic enough to be dressed up however you like. It's great for a night out or a special dinner. I can't wait to find an excuse to wear this!

Now for a t-shirt I've been wearing way too much lately. This is the Short Sleeved Letter T-Shirt: 

Sometimes, you need a cute basic to add to your wardrobe. I was instantly hooked by this cute t-shirt. It was $7 USD and it seriously goes with everything. I've worn this top with skinny jeans, a leather skirt, and with glittery shorts. It's just so versatile! The material is super soft and it's a great casual piece. I absolutely love it.

Last from my LovelyWholeSale haul? This Anchor Ring: 

When it comes to cute accessories, I have zero willpower. So, I threw on this $3 USD ring before checking out my order. It's big, bold, and covered in rhinestones. What could be better than that? I absolutely love nautical themed accessories and actually have a necklace that this goes well with. Needless to say, I really love it! The ring band is adjustable which not everyone will like, but I find to be very useful, since it sits on two fingers. Overall, I am very happy with this one! And you seriously can't beat that price.

I am so impressed with everything I received. My only regret is not splurging on more! Honestly? I'm already plotting my next order. Must be good....must be good....must be good.

Have you ever bought anything from LovelyWholesale? What do you think of these pieces?

xo Shannon


  1. Gorgeous haul Shannon. The first dress is stunning. I will check out their site, though. Cute ring!

  2. Lovely pieces you got! Those dresses are perfect! And the t-shirt is great for everyday! You can make that really casual or dress it up.

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  3. love the céline shirt. :)

  4. lovely haul! can't wait to see you wear em x

  5. Nice picks :)

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  6. Nice things you have got there:), I love the gold peplum dress! I just checked the website and there seems to be many interesting things, will definitely think about ordering something from the webshop. I did not know it previously but thanks for sharing.

    Greetings from Daisy /

    Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Perfection dear!
    wish you a great weekend…

  8. wow, the first dress looks amazing, wow... again! <3

  9. Great finds :) Love the Celine T! Thanks for stopping by SLS, have a great weekend.


  10. Love that dress. I'm basically obsessed with anything sequined.

  11. lovely gold dress!

  12. Great post! Love the dress and tee

  13. Great haul babe!!!!

    Ciao bellissima!!!

  14. ciao cara!!!
    bello belli belli questi abitini!!!

    un bacione!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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