Monday, August 4, 2014

cupcakes make everything better.

I love a good bargain. I also love nice little distractions from the day to day responsibilities I've got going on. Things lately have been well, a little hectic. I am currently juggling work and Momzilla. Yes, my mom has gone into full fledged wedding planning mode. Every day, I am bombarded with ideas for venues, wedding favours, apartments in the area.....anything and everything you could possibly imagine.

Here's the thing: I love that she is helping. It means so much to me that I have her support and guidance during this huge transitional period in my life. But - there is so much for me to think about. Planning the wedding, figuring out living arrangements, thinking about packing up my room, going to try on dresses. It's enough to make my head explode! I think that's why I have been a little slow to start. There are so many changes happening and I am just trying to keep my head above water.

Don't get me wrong. I am so excited. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my boyfriend (now fiance!). It's just all of the planning and responsibilities and changes that are making life a little more complicated. That is exactly why today's post is dedicated to something I love.

Cupcake earrings!

As you can probably guess from the picture above, I recently added a pair of super cute cupcake earrings to my jewellery box. They were on sale for $1....who could resist? What I love about them? They are fun, silly, and perfectly cute. I like that they remind me of Katy Perry or something designed by Betsey Johnson. These earrings just make me smile. That's why I've been wearing them so often lately. When in doubt....wear cupcakes!

So, these earrings are making me smile lately. They remind me to calm down - and not take everything so seriously. Things will get done. Plans will be made. I just need to take a deep breath, relax, and throw on my cupcake earrings.

What do you think of these earrings? Do you have a favourite pair?

xo Shannon


  1. Congratulations!!! make the most of your wedding planning:) it's stressful but so much fun at the same time:)
    Love the cupcake earrings!

  2. Best ov luck for ur wedding..and BTW those earrings are damn cute :)

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  3. Shannon I'm so happy for you! Congrats on your engagement girl! Just take it a day at a time and start checking things off your list;). I feel like the mom in this story with my sister. I feel like I'm nagging her daily about things that need to get done for her wedding lol (oops). Anyways, have a cupcake girl you deserve it! P.S. Adorable earrings!

  4. So cute! And it make me crave for cupcakes! LOL


  5. Just gotta love those earrings..Way too cute, girl!

    isa |

  6. Congratulation on your engagement!!
    The earrings are cute!!

  7. keep calm and wear your earrings! They are gorgeous and lovely! If they are not enough ... eat at least a couple of real cupcakes!!! absolutely it helps!!! :D

  8. Lovely!!!

  9. These earrings are really cute! Remind me of my collection when I was younger :)
    xx Lara

  10. Beautiful earring dear.Wish you all the best in your wedding preparation

  11. Congratulations!!! cute earrings !!!<3

  12. Congrats on this exciting time! And when things get stressful, cupcakes (in food or earring form) always helps.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  13. Amazing earrings dear!!!

    Kiss Tea

  14. Very nice Inspirations

    FOLLOW MY BLOG / Maybe we can follow each other!!!

  15. Great deal for $1...Cute earrings


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