Tuesday, August 12, 2014

i am realistic....i expect miracles.

Sometimes, products sound too good to be true. It's too good to be true! was actually my first thought when I saw Sally Hansen's latest line of nail polish. Could there really be a gel nail polish without the UV light? No way. Despite my reservations, I decided to take the plunge and pick up the combo pack in Pretty Piggy. The Miracle Gel polishes come with Step 1 (the nail polish colours itself) and Step 2 (a gel finish top coat).

So, what are the claims? According to Sally Hansen, the Miracle Gel line is "the only true 2-step gel manicure with no light needed." They say that the colour is supposed to last for up to two weeks and is easy to remove. Is it actually true? Shockingly enough.....yes. Before I get into my review, here is a look at the way the colour turned out. Pretty Piggy is a bright pink shade that is super fun for summer. I love love love it!

Now for my experience with the polishes! To complete step 1, you apply two coats of the coloured polish. Let that dry completely and then top it all off with the clear step 2 polish. Essentially, this is like doing your nails on a normal day. Just swap out the top coat for the gel coating. I found the application process to be simple, straightforward, and easy to do. The drying time was average....but once you put on the gel coating, it only took a few minutes.

The end result actually looked like I just stepped out of the nail salon. In fact, people kept on asking me where I got my nails done! I love that. The biggest thing for me is the longevity and durability. I work with my hands a lot and tend to smudge or chip my polish when I wear it. This? Didn't budge. I've been wearing it for more than a week and it still looks like I stepped out of the salon. The shine hasn't faded, there are no dents or chips....it's amazing. Now, I don't know if my nails will make it to that two week mark. But hey - it's definitely heading in that direction.

Needless to say, I am very impressed with this gel polish. It may have been too good to be true - but it actually delivered the promised results. Go figure! I would definitely recommend this to anyone who needs their polish to look great and last.

Have you tried the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel? What do you think of this colour?

xo Shannon


  1. This colour looks AMAZING on you ! WOW !!


  2. It does indeed sound too good to be true....... No I haven't tried it. Yet. But I will that's for sure. Thx for sharing Shannon. Love the color and yep it looks like right out of the salon.

  3. I am in love with that color! Thanks for sharing! I followed you on GFC and would love it if you would check out my blog and maybe follow back! Let me know on my blog if you would like to follow eachother on Bloglovin!!!

  4. Love the color!

    Check out my latest specialOUTFIT POST and my other posts on Venoma's fashion diary
    XoXo Venoma

  5. haven't been coloring my nails for a while now. I guess time to try it again :)

  6. It sounds interesting and this nail polish has amazing color :) Would you like to follow each other?

  7. Beautiful nail colour!
    Love your blog, definitely following. Hope you'll follow back :)
    Legally Brunette

  8. Wow that colour is so pretty

  9. No way!!! Awesome babe! I'm completely SOLD! I always rock Sally Hansen's instant dry line since I always wait 'til I figure out my outfit before I put polish on lol...But for chip resistance I'll commit to color for 2 wks! This is great!

    Thank you for the blog visit sweets, hope to see you back soon!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  10. Nunca usei! Acho que nem tem aqui no Brasil... Mas amei a cor!

    Ótima quarta, Shannon!

    Beijo! ^^

  11. Lovely color, I haven't heard about the label before but your nails sure look good! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  12. WOW, I was skeptical about the DIY gels, but your nails look amazing. Love it!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  13. Love Hansen's products, they are always high quality!

  14. Omg I really did think that this was "too good to be true" and a little gimicky, I'll totally have to check these out!!


  15. I am in love with that shade, it looks amazing!! I think I need to purchase that the next time I go to the drugstore

    I just started a blog too check it out, comment or follow! :)


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