Monday, September 8, 2014

it's britney bitch.

Are you ready for the second part of my Vegas post? This is all about the Britney Spears concert. That was by far the highlight of my trip - so I thought it deserved its own post. The concert was one of the main reasons my mom and I decided to go to Las Vegas this summer. I was absolutely desperate to see her Piece of Me tour at Planet Hollywood. Honestly? I am so glad we took this trip, because the concert was absolutely fantastic. It was one of the very best concerts I have ever been to.

The moment we walked into Planet Hollywood, the energy was crazy. Britney fans absolutely everywhere! At the bar inside the hotel, there were dancers dressed up like Britney from the ....Baby One More Time video. Every single person inside the venue was a mega fan. People were posing with Britney's costumes that were everywhere (amazing! It was so cool to see those in person), buying drinks in souvenir cups, talking, and getting excited. Every part of the evening felt special.

So, let's start with what I wore. I actually had this whole outfit planned out - but then I put it on and it didn't feel right. I actually ended up wearing something else I had thrown into my suitcase at the last minute. It was a dress from Materials Girls that had a metallic top, sequined belt, and a patterned bottom. I wore my hair in a half up half down style and created a blue and orange makeup look from the Urban Decay Electric Palette. This was my Britney Spears look:

While I was there, I took full advantage of the Britney Spears store. I spent way too much money there! However, I love everything that I bought. I chose a pair of Britney leggings (I love, love, love them), a Britney bracelet, a Britney tank top, and a Britney Bitch t-shirt. All of the merchandise was pretty expensive but it was all really beautiful. I also bought the Britney Souvenir cup. I couldn't resist. It was Britney overload! This is a little peek at my Britney Spears merchandise......

Now for the show itself! Britney was amazing. Her dancing was flawless, the set list was incredible, and it was a high-energy show from start to finish. There were costume changes, dancers, a giant angel costume, a tree, set pieces, fire, confetti, lights.....anything and everything you could possibly imagine. It was a real performance. Both my mom and I had an absolutely blast. Britney was in top form. I saw her several years back and she was great then - but this was even better. Her dancing? I was so so impressed. She really is the queen of pop music. I am so thankful that I was able to attend the show. It was one of the highlights of my summer.

These are a few of my favourite pictures from the a seriously amazing concert:

Are you a fan of Britney Spears? What is the last concert you went to?

xo Shannon


  1. cool! you look awesome!

  2. Aaaah that's so cool!

  3. Love your dress! If I ever had the chance to attend a Britney's concert, I'd definitely go too! Just for the shows... Hope you enjoyed.
    xx Elena Mode, Fotografie, Inspiration - klick :P

  4. Omg, I'd love to see Brit perform, she's always a pop princess to me. You look gorgeous Shannnon! Love your dress so much! :)

    Take care always, love Christine ~ xx

  5. Concerts are so fun. Britney looks fab and so do you! Love the skirt.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  6. that concerts looks like it was so much fun
    love your dress

  7. Love your outfit. ;-)
    Yes, as a small child I was the biggest fan of Britney. I had idolized her.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  8. wooow very nice post!!


  9. Ah, so jealous you got to see Britney! Have loved her since I was a little girl. Hopefully will be making my way over to Vegas to see her soon... ;) Hope you had a great trip! Xo, Alison

  10. wow, really nice!
    you looked awesome and i bet you had a lot of fun :)

    Alice's Pink Diary

  11. ...I love music!!! I love an italian singer, Biagio Antonacci, and I love to go to his concerts!!!!!!

  12. You looked amazing!!!! And dang, Britney is looking hooooot as always.

    Amanda |

  13. so fab ,,, i have never been to a concert before ,, it is just too loud for my liking ,


    Am sharing my wedding gown for the first time on my blog
    come & drop me some love ,,

    P.S. Follow me on insta & i will instantly follow back @nanyslife


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