Sunday, September 14, 2014

money can't buy happiness. that's what shopping is for.

Okay....I'm cut off from shopping. For real this time! My trip to Vegas was a last hurrah of sorts. Since the trip was planned long before my boyfriend proposed, it was all bets off when it came to shopping. I gave myself a budget before I left - and I stuck to it - but that doesn't mean I didn't do a bit of damage while I was away. I couldn't help myself! There was merchandise, discount stores, and more. Ahhh....Vegas.

So, what did I buy? A lot. Okay, an awful lot. This post is going to be part one of my Las Vegas haul. (The second part will be dedicated to the accessories I brought home with me!) Are you ready? Here goes nothing!

First off? This cut off sweater from The Pussycat Dolls store. It is super cute! I have already worn it with a pair of heart printed skinny jeans. I just love it for a casual but flirty outfit.

This next couple of items came from Ross For Less. Now, we don't have this store where I live - but I wish we did. I couldn't get over how crazy low the prices were. I fell in love with so many amazing pieces. So, of course they had to come home with me! They are: a lace Paris shirt, a LOVE tank with a hoodie, and a white blouse/lace skirt dress. 

If you happened to read my Britney related post a few days ago, you will remember that I mentioned my Britney Spears Store haul. Here is a closer look at the leggings, tank, and t-shirt.

Then there was Macys. Oh, I love thee. In addition to a pair of shoes to go with my wedding dress (not pictured), I also bought a Calvin Klein button down shirt and a nautical themed dress.

.....the longer this post gets, the more I realize just how much I bought. I'm amazed that my suitcase was able to close! Anyway - continuing on. I also bought a few novelty Vegas tanks and tees. I love them! They are a fun reminder of the trip.

Next up is a bunch of music merchandise. That includes: Olivia Newton John, Donny and Marie, Celine Dion, and Shania Twain. 

Last up? My Kardashian clothes from Sears. We don't have these at home, so I was super excited about it. I ended up buying a few t-shirts, a tank top, sweatpants, a sweater, and a neon pink dress. Love them so much!

Okay, maybe I bought a little too much. But it was my last hurrah! So, I think it is perfectly acceptable. Now to curb my shopping habit so I can save for a wedding, place to live.....sigh. Back to reality indeed!

When is the last time you went shopping? What did you buy?

xo Shannon


  1. Well well well Miss Shannon you had a ball while in Vegas that's for sure ;) I love the title, cool! Great haul girl, the lace skirt is divine! And the Paris tee and and....everything! Didn't know you like Shania Twain. Last time I went shopping was last Friday, my usual shopping day after work, well I bought too much as always, lol.
    Happy Sunday luv

  2. Lovely clothes!

  3. OMG! You have the Piece of me merchandising!!

    Lots of love, B army!

    Walk a million miles



  4. Cute dress! Tomorrow I want to go shopping for an autumnal hat :) Thanks for your kind words on my blog Shannon!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  5. Cute choices! You shopped quite a bit, huh? :) Kisses!

  6. What an amazing shopping spree, you can resist on a reasonably timed shopping ban :-)
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  7. total shopping spree!

  8. ahah love the title! I really want a Britney tank!

    Ana Leote

  9. Hi dear,

    great picks! Love that button down shirt and dress :)
    I don’t know if you noticed, but I have a completely new website, check it out here:
    and let me know what you think!
    Also, I am moving from Blogger so you can’t follow me through GFC anymore, but if you go to my new page you will see that you can follow the blog through:

    Looking forward seeing you on my blog again!

  10. i'm fall in love with your tank tops ♥ follow?

  11. Love the leggins :)

    would you like to follow each other ??

    Please check out my new post :

  12. I love all your NEW stuff! I love shopping! I love this feeling! Your tops are amazing. Smart shopping, and thanks for comment on my blog. I`m always late with comments, sorry!


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