Tuesday, September 30, 2014

new in: altuzarra for target

I have gone to more than my fair share of designer launches for Target. In the past couple of years, I have waited in line (in the freezing cold!), dealt with crowds, and raided through racks upon racks of these affordable versions of high-end designer duds. Typically, it is insanity. Girls pushing, shoving, desperately trying to get their hands on the perfect pieces. Recently, Target launched another designer line from Altuzarra. Unfortunately, I was away at a cottage with my fiance and his family for the weekend and missed out on the pandemonium. (More on that in my next post!)

The good news? My mom was out there braving the crowds for the both of us. I came home to find three tops, a sweater, one belt, and a killer pair of boots waiting for me. Thanks, mom! She filled me in on all of the insanity - and told me how quickly the floral dress was snapped up from the racks. Honestly? Part of me is relieved that I missed out on the craziness of the whole thing....and part of me is super sad that I missed it! Ah well. At least I have some gorgeous new clothes to help me get through the coming fall months.

Want to take a look at the pieces that have made their way into my wardrobe? Here are the Altuzarra for Target items I received:

The first piece is a gorgeous black sweater. It features gold embroidery along the shoulders that is both elegant and daring. It is an easy way to look glam this season! What I love most? The sweater is super warm and comfortable. The material is thick but doesn't feel scratchy on the skin. This is going to be an essential item for the fall and winter season, I think!
Next up was a beautiful belt. It is black with beautiful details throughout. It has a gold clasp and is perfect to layer over a long top or a simple dress. I love how chunky yet feminine it is. Another fall must have!
Now for the tops....the first one here is a beautiful floral blouse. The print is absolutely stunning! This piece is ultra chic and easy to wear. I love the details of the large collar and the soft shades. It is wearable, versatile, and chic.
This next top really showcased the python print Altuzarra had going on in this collection. This t-shirt is simple but the print speaks for itself. It gives it a bold and beautiful flair! I love how soft the material is and how easy this is to wear with a pair of jeans.
My favourite top of the three has to be this long sleeved python print top. The rust colour? Stunning! Plus, I don't have a ton of long sleeved items in my wardrobe. So this one is both fashionable and functional. But my favourite aspect has to be the combination of the print and colour. I just love it.
Last up are the killer high heeled boots. Talk about bold and dramatic! They make a total statement. I was actually surprised when I put them on how comfortable they are. I could wear these for hours and not curse them for hurting my feet. Now that is rare! I think these boots will be something I reach for this season. I love the dramatic effect - oh and the comfort doesn't hurt either.
Out of all the designer lines for Target, this one has been a favourite. Even though I wasn't there to pick pieces out in person, I am very happy with everything that was chosen for me! I love the prints, details, and beautiful fall inspired looks.

Did you buy anything from the Altuzarra for Target line? What do you think of these pieces?

xo Shannon


  1. Great haul Shannon. No I haven't bought anything. But if you get tired of the animal print ones, send them my way ;) Gorgeous.

  2. I love all of what you bought. I would like to get my hands on the sweater and the boots. They both look so fierce!

    Thank you so much for dropping by my blog. Have a good day!

    ~ Seepz

  3. I've only seen the lookbook and fell in love with all the python pieces! Good to know this one's your fave babe! I've been let down with some of these collabos in the past, thanks for the review!

    Thank you visiting, hope to see you back sweets!

    Xo- Julie
    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  4. What a beautiful things!
    New post on my blog:
    Kisses Andy

  5. Your mum is an angel! Look at those beauties!!
    Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

  6. Really love their stuff - that sweater with the birds is fabulous.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  7. super cool stuffs, Love the Snake skin print!


  8. ;)

    Adorei os itens!

    Ótima quarta, Shannon!

    Beijo! ^^

  9. Wow.... amazing pieces Shannon, I love them all!!!!!
    Love, Paola.
    My Facebook

  10. Love the black sweater ... the gold embroidery is beautiful!


  11. I love the first dress and your choices! I remember my plenty of sleep nights, too, I don't get many of those! :)


  12. Love love love the black sweater with the gold embroidery! I'd totally wear that!

    Lovely post, you got some really nice pieces :)

    Laura x

  13. I like the heals they are great



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