Monday, September 22, 2014

review: dior trafalgar eyeshadow palette

Editing Note: Since Dior continues to support a court-certified wife beater, I no longer support the brand. Believe survivors. 

I am on a budget. Thankfully, that hasn't stopped me from scoring some new makeup. I was recently gifted this stunning new eyeshadow palette from Dior. Talk about a good gift! I absolutely love their shadows because of their silky and luxurious texture. However, they are typically out of my price range. (Similar palettes to this one are usually about $60. Eesh!) When I was walking through a department store, I came across Trafalger. I was so struck by this one shade that I couldn't stop raving about it! Later that day, I was shocked, stunned, and extremely happy to have been given that very same palette.

Want to see the colours that I fell in love with? Here is a look at the Dior Trafalgar palette and some swatches of the shadows:

See that center shade there? That was the selling point. I fell in love with that gorgeous red colour. It wasn't a bright scary had this richness that I just adored. After testing out the palette, I can honestly say that colour lived up to my expectations and then some. The pigmentation is beautiful, there is no fall out, and the texture is classic Dior. I absolutely love the bold look I can create using that shade. It is such a stunner! I have found myself reaching for this palette an awful lot lately. 

As for the other shades? The deep purple is quite pretty and the olive green is a soft shade that is the perfect contrast for that incredible red. I am definitely a fan of those three colours in the palette. Unfortunately, those lighter shades along the top aren't remarkable. They have a nice shimmer to them - but they don't actually give off much colour. Plus, they are a little too similar to one another. That was a disappointment for me to be honest. I expected more! However, the three other colours more than make up for the lackluster ones.

This is a look at the palette in action!

Overall, I was quite happy with this palette. That centre shade was an absolute knock out. I love wearing it in new ways and seeing how I can incorporate such a bold colour into my makeup looks. There is truly nothing better than receiving the gift of makeup!

Have you tried this palette from Dior? What did you think of it?

xo Shannon


  1. It looks absolutely beautiful, I love Dior makeup products! x

  2. Gorgeous palette. You look beautiful Shannon, great makeup! Nope I haven't tried Trafalgar yet, but I have others by Dior and I am pretty pleased with it, what I like the most is the texture and using it *wet* it makes an excellent eyeliner, hope you know what I mean.
    Happy Monday girl

  3. oh la la! i like it! xo

  4. It looks great! :) Dior make up is amazing!

  5. My friend who happens to be a makeup artiest is raving about this pallet. As you were saying, you are on a budget; I applaud you for getting the more natural set, because let's face it - the colorful pallet melts my heart each time I walk past the Dior stand.

    Great post. I followed, obviously!

    (I write about runway fashions, etc. You should totally check it out)


  6. U look wonderful in this ;) amazing make up dear

  7. Okay, I need you to move closer to me so you can do my makeup. So stunning!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  8. Beautiful palette and it's stunning on you!


  9. I've never owned a Dior makeup item but their latest palettes look absolutely gorgeous. There is a gorgeous pastel one that I saw in House of Fraser yesterday. That looks so beautiful on you. You were lucky to get it gifted to you! Looks gorgeous. I always love the looks you manage to create.


  10. Ooooh I want that palette. Such beautiful colours. You look gorgeous x


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