Sunday, September 28, 2014

thank you for fifty second chances.

Certain artists matter. Beyond Billboard chart sales or MTV appearances....some musicians do so much more than sell albums. Scott MacIntyre is a prime example. If you have been reading my blog for an extended period of time, you are probably well aware of my love and admiration for Scott. Since his time as a finalist on American Idol, he has performed countless concerts around the world, has released incredible new music, and even wrote a book about his life. (To find out more about his inspirational story, you can check out my interview or read his book, By Faith, Not By Sight.)

The latest accomplishment on his extensive list? Lighthouse, Scott's brand new album. Funded with help from his successful Kickstarter project, let me say: the album was certainly worth the wait. In case you haven't heard the CD yet - or just want to know how it is - keep reading. This is my review of Lighthouse....

I checked the mailbox twice a day for weeks. Part of the reward for pledging on Kickstarter was an advanced copy of the album. Once I saw tweets coming in from fans around the globe, I started to get antsy. When would it get here? How much longer could I wait? Finally, it arrived. I hurriedly removed the album from the packaging and held Lighthouse in my hands. That moment was perfect. After all of the waiting, the sneak peeks, and was here.

The rest of my afternoon was spent ignoring work and listening to the album over and over again. Same with the days that followed. My connection to the album was instant. From the opening notes of the title track, Lighthouse to the emotionally triggered I Am Hope, there wasn't a moment from start to finish that didn't feel special. The lyrics were open, honest, and inspirational. The songs were catchy and melodic. And the album filled me with me with joy. Even among his previous bodies of work, Lighthouse is a true masterpiece.

There are many stand out tracks. Some of my favourites? The up-beat and ego-boosting song Remarkable ("more than a mirror can say, perfectly, wonderfully made..."), the flawless Sacred Space ("I wanna love and let go of my fears, I wanna be the answer to somebody's prayers....) and the inspirational Fifty Second Chances ("though I don't yet have a martyr's faith, I'm willing to try...").

There is also Hallelujah Song featuring season eight Idol vet Danny Gokey and With This Ring featuring Idol's Skylar Laine. Perhaps the most meaningful song to me personally is With This Ring. Why? Not only is it beautiful - but my fiance and I are set to get married next summer. The moment those final notes faded out, I had this moment. I saw us dancing to it at our wedding. Whether this will be our first dance song or not...I don't know. But I am  certainly working on it. I can't imagine anything more perfect.

Whether you love catchy pop songs, piano driven music, inspirational tracks or just great can find that and more on Scott MacIntyre's latest album.

For music that means something. For songs that stick in your head and stay in your heart. Lighthouse is an album you won't soon forget. You can buy it on iTunes, visit Scott's website, or listen to a live performance of I Am Hope.

xo Shannon


  1. It's so nice that you have an artist that you look up to! Thanks for stopping by my blog Shannon!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  2. I love your blog! This is a great post :)
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  3. Oh woww, I definitely will have to check out his album! Thanks for sharing :)
    Yours Truly, NY

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  6. Love the quote ^_^

    Happy Tuesday,


  7. grazie per questa segnalazione! baci bella

  8. Gostei imenso :) já estou a seguir!


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