Thursday, November 13, 2014

lilac helps to align ones spirit.

I won't lie: I have an obsession with purple. Eyeshadows, blushes, most importantly lip products. Despite the fact that I already have more than enough purple lipsticks and lip tints in my more managed to catch my eye. For a long time, I've heard about the Revlon Lip Butters. Rave reviews and so much more. So, I finally decided to take the plunge. My colour of choice was Gum Drop - a soft lilac shade. Was it good? Did it live up to the hype? It's time to find out!

Let's start with the packaging. This is something I am a big fan of. It is simple and sleek like all of the  other Revlon products. What I loved? The textured effect. It was such a nice detail. That made it feel a lot more luxurious. As for the texture of the product, it was just as great as I hoped it would be. Creamy, moisturizing, and long lasting. That was the plus side.

The downside? The pigmentation wasn't quite what I hoped it would be. The colour is without a doubt pretty and easy to wear. However, I found that you really have to build it up to get a decent amount of colour payoff. I'm not sure if this is the case with all of the Lip Butters or just this one. The colour itself is pretty light - so that might play a part in the sheer wash of colour. I think I will have to try out a deeper shade and do a bit of a comparison. (I will keep you posted!)

To sum it up: the colour is wearable, the formula is perfectly creamy, and the packaging is lovely. The only thing I would have liked? More colour payoff. With that said, this is the makeup look I created around the Revlon Lip Butter in Gumdrop. 

In general, I am a big fan of Revlon products. Actually, I find that the more of their products I try, the more I fall in love with the brand. They have really stepped up their game lately. And this is a great thing for makeup lovers on a budget. Overall, I like the way this lip product feels....but I am not totally thrilled with the amount of colour.

Have you tried any of the Lip Butters? What do you think of them?

xo Shannon


  1. Lovely makeup Shannon. Yes I have and I totally agree with you. A bit more would make it even better.

  2. I love how looks on you Sharon... you look very pretty...

  3. Gorgeous makeup :) Lovely post..Keep In touch dear..hugs
    rampdiary / My art Blog / Beauty and fashion Blog

  4. Good to know about Revlon! Love this color on you.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  5. This looks so pretty on you! I haven't tried any of the Revlon Lip butters yet!

    XO, Erica

  6. That shade looks so amazing!

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  7. You look lovely, I like your makeup. The lipstick is very nice, kind of soft.
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Love the lip color, I have a penchant for revlon lippies these days.. new post o my blog, share me your thoughts there.

    Cassie Thriftier

  9. Wow, this color is gorgeous on you! Sucks that you have to layer it a bunch, though.

  10. This is really pretty, the lip butters never work for me though! They always get goopy.

    -- Alex at Cashmere Kangaroo

  11. Such a pretty color!


  12. The color is very pretty! Looks great on you!

  13. Beautiful Make up

    FOLLOW my Blog!!! Maybe we can follow each other!!!

  14. loved this color

  15. Nice lipstick.

  16. The color is look really pretty on you! ^^

    Indira || My Blog


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