Sunday, November 9, 2014

maybe our mistakes are what make our fate.

I’m a Charlotte. I remember years ago, digging through stacks of Sex and The City movie sets in the hope of finding a t-shirt that declared just that. Finally…success! Now that world would know exactly who I was. Okay, I admit: Sex and The City has been on my mind lately. But there is a reason for that. Thanks to rumours swirling and plenty of online buzz – everyone is wondering if another movie is in the future.

It’s rare when a television show manages to speak to many different kinds of women – let alone showcase their intricate personalities on the small screen. Perhaps this is why Sex and the City remains one of the most beloved shows, having spawned two movies, perfume collections, and even clothing. See, the show didn’t just speak to a wide range of women. It also brought fashion to the forefront of everyones mind. What would Carrie wear next? And could fashionistas re-create the look? Yes, Sex and the City is one of those special, unique, and thrilling shows that has managed to stand out among its peers

Will there be a Sex and the City 3? Cast members have been eager to let fans know they are up for another round. Meanwhile, there are rumours that a rough script is already making the rounds. However, it wasn’t until Jessica Blantonh Nikki Boucherica Parker posted a photo on Instagram (that caught the attention of fans and media outlets alike) that speculation reached a boiling point. She sat on a New York City stood surrounded by high heeled shoes – and captioned the photo: #longdayforCarrie #whewwwthosesteps #runninginheels #taxi!

It didn’t take long for fans to recognize the stoop as the residence of lead character, Carrie Bradshaw. While no official word has been made – there is a reason so many men and women are desperate for another film starring the iconic foursome. Sex and the City blended unique characters, witty conversation, and exciting fashion together. Another movie wouldn’t just be exciting for fans of the show itself. It could also lead to some seriously incredible fashion moments.

Just picture it: what would Miranda, Charlotte, Samantha, and Carrie be wearing in the opening scene of the next installment? Copycat looks and Sex and the City inspired garments would fly off the racks! Because that’s the thing about this show – it has left a lasting impression on the fashion world. Another film would work to remind designers, fashion lovers, and filmgoers the importance of great style – and strong female characters. So, that is why I have been thinking about Sex and The City lately.

Would you go see another Sex and the City movie?

xo Shannon 


  1. great post! I post daily aswell come check out my blog! MUCH LOVE AND SUPPORT


  2. I would go see it. I liked the series. :)

  3. Oh I do hope 3 movie will be! I'm a big fan of the show and yes it speaks to almost each women in my opinion!

  4. I am also a great fun of Sex and the City!!!
    I love it!!!

    Alicia & Sofía

  5. Nice post!!
    new post on my blog :

  6. Definitely wants another Sex and the City movie! I'm a fan of Carrie!

    Nikki Boucherica |

  7. Loved this post, would be great to see the third SATC movie!
    Fabrizia - Cosa Mi Metto???

  8. great post!
    i love sex and the city! :)

  9. I think it'd be cool to have a third Sex and the City!

  10. A great idea!!! I'd be glad to have another season!

  11. I would surely watch

  12. I would love to see another one as I am a big fan :)

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  13. Great post.would definetly go to see another sex & the city movie

  14. I loved the show for the fashion also! It was always exciting to see what they would be wearing. I've heard that rumor too! I don't think we will ever get tired of SATC.

  15. Oh my gosh I would definitely see it! I am really hoping it will be in the works.

  16. I love that Carrie illegally shot photos of her shoes on the famed steps. And as such a die hard fan, I would always go see another film. As for being a type I was never one in particular. I was always a touch of Carrie with a bit of Miranda and just a pinch of Samantha.


    I Can’t Afford My Lifestyle

  17. I absolutely would go see another movie! I just loved that show! So many things in life can be linked back to a Sex and the City episode. I'm more Carrie with a sprinkle of Charlotte and Samantha!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings


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