Thursday, November 27, 2014

you can wear whatever, be whatever, do whatever you want.

Who is your favourite designer? For me, there are a few designers that speak to me. Season after season, their collections manage to make my heart race. The short list includes Elie Saab, Betsey Johnson, Victoria Beckham, and Christian Siriano.

Watching Project Runway all those years ago, I never could have imagined that my favourite contestant on the show would go on to become a highly respected fashion designer, taking over the world, one piece at a time. Since Christian found fame on Project Runway, he has gone on to write a book, appear on a number of different television shows, design one of a kind gowns for some of the hottest celebrities, and create a number of highly regarded collections.

 The other day, I thought about Christian as I slipped on a pair of the black-heeled boots I snagged from his (much more affordable) Christian Siriano for Payless collection. Okay, maybe they weren’t part of his New York Fashion Week show – but I love them all the same. Whenever I carry one of my Christian bags or wear a pair of his shoes, I feel like a million bucks. It’s not the fact that his name is on the label. There is just something about his design aesthetic that speaks to me.

From Runway to the runway, Christian has showcased a number of dramatic, bold, sexy, but wearable pieces. It doesn’t matter if it is a couture dress or a pair of pants. Everything has his signature stamp on it. That blend of strength and femininity is empowering – and exciting to wear. There is a reason for his astounding level of success. He didn’t just win a reality show. He took that opportunity and turned it into a multi million-dollar empire. How? His designs have never fallen into the category of bland or boring – and he continues to push his brand further.

From both a creative and business perspective, Christian Siriano is a force to be reckoned with. In case you missed his latest offering at New York Fashion Week, Christian’s S/S 2015 Ready To Wear collection was full of all-white looks with embellishment, subtle details, and plenty of the dramatic flair he is known for. Each and every piece demanded attention. And they all screamed: Christian Siriano is here to stay.

Are you a fan of his design aesthetic? Who is your favourite fashion designer?

xo Shannon


  1. His designs suit your style perfectly! I don't really have a favorite designer, but I keep finding myself drawn to Saint Laurent's current collection. Every time I see a runway look that I really like, it seems to be Saint Laurent.

    1. That's great! It's always nice when you find a designer you enjoy :)

  2. I agree with you on this! Thanks for sharing =) Keep in touch x

    Benish | Feminist Reflections

  3. Stunning post. ;-)
    Lovely greets...

  4. I like many designers, national and international, I love your selection.

  5. Totally agree!
    I love Elie Saab & victoria Beckham!!!
    Love, Paola.
    My Facebook

  6. Nice post and love the pics you choose!
    xx Lisbeth

  7. Very nice post
    My favourite fashion designer in India is Manish malhotra

  8. Totally agree!!
    Christian Siriano is a pretty good exemple!!


  9. Great post and awesome pics. There are many designer I love, one of them is Ms Beckham. There is also Mr Lagerfeld, somehow the man can't do wrong.

  10. I really love Christian Siriano as well! But I die for Zuhair Murad and Elie Saab, those are my favourites! Have a great week dear!

  11. I think he is just fabulous!! He is my favorite of all time from Project Runway!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings


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