Sunday, December 7, 2014

my purple dreams

Have you ever given yourself a limit? Like, I won't buy anything until the end of the month. Or no more shopping trips to Sephora until I actually need something new. Several months back, I gave myself a limit on purple lipstick. At this point, I have a deep purple, a bright purple, a lilac, matte, gloss, and so much more. One day I decided: use what I have....stop looking for more.

Then this funny thing happened. I was at Sephora and came across the line of Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipsticks. Over the years, I have added more than a few products from her line to my makeup collection. I love the edgy packaging, the bold colours, and the array of unique items. Instantly, I fell head over heels for that studded packaging. How unique! I rationalized that even if the lipstick wasn't one I used all the time, the lipstick would look amazing on my dresser.

Then my eyes fell on Wonderchild - a neon lilac with tons of glitter. How did I manage to rationalize yet another purple lipstick? Glitter! Surely the glitter made it different enough. Right? Okay....maybe that isn't totally true but it is at least partly true. And that is the most important part! Now that I have been wearing the lipstick on and off for the last several weeks....I finally feel ready to review it.

If you couldn't tell by now, I am obsessed with the packaging. The studs look amazing. It is such a fabulous detail that makes the line of lipsticks stand out from the rest. As for the lipstick itself? The colour is amazing. It is bright, bold, and fun to wear. Plus, that extra pop of sparkle and glitter makes it look even better. My only criticism? The formula can be pretty drying. I find that I need to layer a lip balm over top to keep my lips feeling comfortable. Other than that - it's a total hit.

Ready to see that bright purple in action? This is the smokey makeup look I created to showcase that stunning colour. Take a look:

This Kat Von D lipstick might not be something I needed in my makeup collection....but it is something I love. I find myself excited to wear this over the top but totally sultry shade. I love the colour and the packaging. 

Have you tried any of the Kat Von D studded lipsticks? What do you think of this colour?

xo Shannon


  1. i'm currently obsessed with purple lipstick myself :) thats a nice shade tho x

  2. Shannon you look beautiful. Love the makeup and the lipstick color on you. Nope I haven't because I don't believe in such things. Why should I spoil the fun myself? If I want it, if I can afford it, why the heck should I not get it?
    kisses hun

  3. that color looks great on you x

  4. great effect!! I really love this color, and your blog is nice:)
    kiss from

    Patchwork à Porter

  5. so u broke ur decision of nt buying more lipsticks
    nyc shade btw

  6. I love the colour *0*

    恵美より ♥

  7. great color. :)

  8. loving purple lipstick at the moment, looks amazing on you!

    That Fashion Victim x

  9. OMG, this color is so stunning, you look great. *__*
    Lovely greets Nessa

  10. It's a lot more subtle than expected, but I like it! The packaging is great (and limits hardly ever work).
    Bright Shiny Day

  11. Amazing Color :)!!!!

    Want to follow each other on GFC?
    Let me know!

    Greets from the EDELFABRIK

  12. That is such a cool color, and the packaging is great too.


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