Wednesday, December 17, 2014

never doubt yourself. never change who you are.

There were a lot of sceptics. When Britney Spears announced the launch of her latest venture – a lingerie line, dubbed Intimate by Britney Spears – there were dubious looks and furrowed brows galore. What did a pop star know about designing lingerie? And would anyone actually buy it? Now that the line has launched, I thought it was fitting to do a spotlight of sorts on the brand.

Personally, I am always intrigued when someone from one avenue tries out something different. Will it work? Will it fail? There is always that question hanging overhead. Now that the pieces are in and Britney has toured the globe to promote her passion project, it seems that this pop icon has yet another hit on her hands.

Early reviews of the line were largely positive, with fans and reporters alike buzzing about her sweet personality and wearable pieces. As for me? I received my very first order a little while back. For my first order, I stuck with sleepwear. I opted for a cute t-shirt that says, Vintage Romance by Britney Spears. There were many pieces featured on the website, from bras to underwear, sleepwear, and more. That included basics like black lace bras and matching bottoms and bolder pieces like pink lace bralets, glamorous robes, cute and comfy pyjamas, and more. There is a little bit of everything! So, whether you are a t-shirt to bed kind of girl or want to amp it up a bit, there are options.

I ended up with the t-shirt as a way to test the waters. I liked that it was cute and comfy – and could be worn to bed or out and about. My next order will definitely include some lingerie as well…. but for now, I am very happy with my purchase. The order shipped quickly, the quality of the piece was outstanding, and the pricing was fair. An extra detail that I loved? The order came in this elaborate gift box and included a picture of Britney Spears inside. It was such a nice detail that made my order feel even more special. Britney definitely knows how to do affordable luxury!

Here is a peek at the shirt I bought, how I wore it, and my makeup look of the day:

Britney has launched an impressive and versatile collection of lingerie. It may not be the new single fans had been hoping for…. but her step into the fashion world has been nothing but positive thus far. Here is hoping that Intimate by Britney Spears will continue to be a success.

Have you bought anything from her line? What do you think of this piece?

xo Shannon


  1. Great post Shannon. I think we always should try new things out, you know the saying by Henry Ford “If you always do what you've always done, you’ll always get what you've always got.” and I personally think she did a great job on it. The top is cute, Shannon, I really like it. I have yet to check her line out, tho.

  2. I had no idea Britney Spears was launching a collection of lingerie. Lovely post, your top is so cute by the way!

    Beauty Inside Art

  3. Great post, thanks for sharing! <3

    I have a new outfit post on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

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  4. absolutely love this lingerie collection
    I posted a new OUTFIT, I'd love to know your opinion
    would you like to pass from my blog?

  5. wow ur tee is really awesome

  6. Really cute tee - and fab makeup as usual.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  7. U look really nice!

    35 nail art a cui ispirarsi (anche natalizie)
    lb-lc fashion blog

  8. The tee is really cute .. and looks so comfy :)

  9. I'm loving this shirt. TBH, I didn't know she came out with a lingerie line. Must check it out, coz I do like her:)

  10. U look stunning.. Love ur outfit

    Would u like a Follow for a Follow ??

  11. Great point of view, I totally agree with your position!
    Fabrizia - Cosa mi metto???

  12. Cute tee! & I had no idea Britney Spears was launching something new.

    Benish | Feminist Reflections

  13. cute casual look! and I absolutely ADORE the two piece that Brittany is wearing

    Amanda |


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