Monday, January 26, 2015

life is a journey and love is what makes it worthwhile.

Today is a special day for me. And my fiance. It marks the three year anniversary of our very first date! It is hard to believe that our story officially began three whole years ago. In some ways, it seems like a lifetime ago....and in other ways, everything still feels fresh, new, and exciting. A lot has changed since that night. We have fallen in love, shared some incredible experiences, and now? We are getting ready to start the next chapter of our lives. He proposed this summer - and honestly? It was the happiest day of my life.

Our anniversary plans will be pretty low-key this year. Maybe a comfy night on the couch or a movie night. It may be simple, but it sounds perfect to me. Any excuse to spend time together! Since the wedding is coming up quickly (another five months. Crazy.) we have opted to keep things simple on purpose. A smaller gift for him and no gift for me. Why? We went wedding band shopping recently and it ended up being a little more than we were thinking. This was thanks largely to my expensive taste. So! A nice, laid-back night in with the person I love most. Perfection.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to be thankful today. Thankful for the man I love, for the incredible journey we have to look forward to, and for the last three years of my life. He has made me the best possible version of myself. And I only hope that I have done the same for him.

xo Shannon


  1. That's so sweet! I love it!!!

  2. Lovely blog!
    Would you like us to follow eachother on GFC and stay in touch?
    Have a great Monday!
    xo from Italy,
    Sonia Verardo

  3. Awww, that is so sweet. Congrats on your anniversary <3 and your idea is perfect, the most important thing is being with the one you love !

    Fashion and Cookies
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  4. what a sweet post. Love does really make everything more worthwhile!

    M + K

  5. Such a cute post. ^^
    Lovely greets Ness

  6. Happy anniversary for you guys! Really love the post! :)

  7. Aw happy anniversary lovebirds! It's been a magical time sharing your journey, can't wait to see what you come up with leading up to the big day!

    Thank you for visiting a while back sweets, would love to get your thoughts on my latest design!

    Xx- Julie

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  8. happy anniversray dear

  9. You're so pretty..
    Stay in love!


    I can rock any outfits, come follow my online diary

  10. That is the most beautiful moments in life!!! wishing you only love and happy moments!

  11. aww happy anniversary shannon! i actually get really really excited whenever someone mentions wedding so pls post pics of it, im so excited and happy for you and your fiance. you guys look like a very happy couple :)

  12. Very lovely post, thanks for sharing this! <3

    I have a new outfit post on the blog, I would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  13. Love is life <3 <3 <3
    Happy new year, sweetie! <3
    Lots of kisses!


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