Thursday, February 26, 2015

money can't buy happiness...but it can buy makeup.

To an outsider, it must seem strange. How one person can own so much makeup....can want so much makeup....can love so much makeup. Yet, there seem to be more and more product lovers like myself. People who adore trying out new things, having fun, and getting creative. The latest addition to my collection? Some items from Joe Fresh. My mom was out one day and managed to snag a bunch of eye and lip products for half off. So, she picked up some for herself and some for me. It was the perfect surprise.

What did this surprise haul include? Three lip crayons and two eye crayons. The lip crayons came in a warm brown, a bold red, and a vibrant pink. The eye crayons were a royal purple and a deep black. Like any makeup products, some were a hit and some were a miss. That seems to be the name of the game! Especially when it comes to affordable makeup items. The quality is either incredible or kind of so-so. So, which items exceeded expectations? And which ones were a flop?

Let's start with the lip crayons. The three I ended up with were a brown-ish nude, a red, and a pink shade. What I loved about these crayons? They are easy to wear, simple to apply, and have a nice, creamy texture. I found the crayons to be surprisingly pigmented. There was a lot of colour payoff and the lip products themselves were quite moisturizing on the lips. Overall, I was very impressed! Each colour looked great, was easy to wear, and lasted. Take a look at the colours and swatches below to see for yourself....

Now for the eyeshadow crayons. As great as the lip crayons were - that is how awful the eye crayons turned out to be. Total letdown. And then some. The pigmentation was poor on the lid to start with. That I could forgive because I could at least use the product as a base. The real issue? The crayons had a greasy, oily kind of texture. They creased immediately! Trying to apply a shadow over top only seemed to exacerbate the problem. Quite frankly, I see absolutely no place for these in my makeup collection. I am going to give them another go but if it is still the same? I think their future is in the waste bin. At any rate, you can take a look at them here:

Ultimately, some of these Joe Fresh products were great and others were a major letdown. Despite how awful (and I rarely dismiss a makeup product entirely but these were truly horrible) the eye crayons were....the lip crayons were absolutely fabulous. I love wearing them - and I love how I feel wearing them. Which is why I created a makeup look sporting that vibrant pink shade. Take a look and let me know what you think.

It is always exciting trying out new makeup. Sometimes they make your day and other times they wind up in the trash. But it is all part of the adventure! Thankfully in this case, those lipstick shades totally wowed.

What do you think of these products? Have you tried anything from Joe Fresh?

xo Shannon


  1. I totally understand your makeup obsession, because that's me with shoes! I'm on your side, girl. ;)

    Sam @ DIY Huntress

  2. I totally understand your makeup obsession, because that's me with shoes! I'm on your side, girl. ;)

    Sam @ DIY Huntress

  3. Gorgeous shades - they look lovely on you! :)

    Jade x

  4. great colours.

  5. The colours are so beautiful.
    Great shades

  6. Ugh for the eye crayons but I really love the lips one!

    1. Yes, the lip ones are super pretty! Definitely worth the risk.

  7. You are so pretty dear!
    I love these colors!
    Pearls & Roses

  8. I haven't tried this brand before! I will be sure to avoid the eye crayons haha x


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