Wednesday, February 18, 2015

valentine's is a time for love.

Me? I love Valentine's Day. A lot. There is something about all of the romantic gestures and smiling faces that just makes me feel happy. (Not to mention all of the chocolate and chick flicks!) Are you the same way? Then I hope you all had a wonderful celebration with the person or people you love most! Since I am such a big fan of the holiday, I thought that I would do a little post about my day.

It started off with gifts my parents. I came downstairs to find flowers, a card, and a giant pink stuffed frog from my dad sitting on the couch. Then there was a bag full of goodies from my mom. That included a  new purse, a Betsey Johnson bracelet, new earrings and a necklace, along with some DVDs. I definitely felt spoiled! It was all a little bittersweet though. Since I was young, my parents have always given me and my siblings little gifts for Valentine's Day. But since I am moving out and getting hitched this summer, they said this was the last time they would be partaking in the tradition. It is always hard for me to let go of that was a little sad. As wonderful as their gifts were! Here is a peek at the Valentine's Day gifts from my family:

After that, I started to prepare for the night ahead. Every year, my fiance comes over and I cook him dinner. This year I decided to make ham, scalloped potatoes, vegetables, cupcakes, and cookies. Yum! I spent much of my day making and decorating cupcakes and baking the cookies. Then I decorated the upstairs with stuffed things, candles, and heart shapes decorations. I even picked out some romantic comedies since he said we would watch my movies for the evening. (For the record, they were Lovewrecked, When In Rome, and How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days.)

After that, I got dressed, did my makeup, and went downstairs to cook dinner. It was a lot of work but it was definitely worth it. The night went very well. I liked being able to do something nice for my fiance. Even though he is not so into Valentine's Day, he bought me a really cute card and a gorgeous charm for my Pandora bracelet. It was really sweet! So, here are a few pictures from the evening.

I love Valentine's Day. It is an excuse to do something special, wear lots of pink and red, and spoil the person you love. What could be better?

How did you spend your Valentine's Day this year?

xo Shannon


  1. Very lovely makeup look! Also, the Olaf cupcakes are soo cute!


  2. Love your make up. Good job :)

    Check my blog, Hope you like it:

  3. Love your make up. Good job :)

    Check my blog, Hope you like it:

  4. Nice post! I love your make up <3

  5. adorable post! and i love your makeup :)

    ♥ Melissa Broxupn #NZblogger
    Facebook + Instagram

  6. Aw beautiful pictures, I adore your makeup here x Benish | Feminist Reflections

  7. Dear, thanks for visting my blog. I love your makaup. Looks perfect on you.

  8. Lovely gift from Pandora! And those cupcakes look amazing! Kisses!

  9. Lovely gift from Pandora! And those cupcakes look amazing! Kisses!

  10. Beautiful gifts and your makeup is gorgeous!
    xo from Italy,
    Sonia Verardo

  11. Such a great post dear.
    I hope you had an amazing Valentine's Day.

  12. Love the Pandora bracelet!!
    Your makeup always is beautiful!

  13. It is a fun holiday, an excuse to do something special as you say. Loving the hair and makeup.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  14. Eheheh I'm glad you have the day you wanted it! :) Beautiful make up and nhammy cupcakes!

  15. Lovely! :)

  16. I'm so happy you had a lovely V-Day, girly! You deserve it ;)



  17. UAU! Tanta coisa gira. =) Amo os cupcakes.


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