Friday, February 20, 2015

we go together like copy and paste.

Date night. How I love thee. It sounds silly, but there is something exciting about getting dressed up and going out. Even if it is just to dinner and a movie. Even if the outfit is pretty laid back and casual. It is good to shake things up every now and again! On a typical evening with my fiance, we hang out at his place and watch our favourite TV shows. This is something I love (a lot)....but even still, it is nice to do something different sometimes.

On a recent date night to the movies, I decided to wear a skirt. This is a big deal. If only because the weather right now is absolutely freezing. Every day it seems to get a little colder, a little snowier, and a little icier. I have basically been living in warm clothes in recent months! That means sweaters, hoodies, cardigans, and all the rest. Something as simple as a skirt and a long sleeved shirt made me feel like myself again. It helped me to get out of my style rut. Let me just say, I am definitely counting down the days until spring returns.

Since I had such a good time getting dressed up, I thought that I would make today an outfit post. For my makeup, I wore a combination of brown eyeshadow shades with some winged out cat eye liner. I was definitely feeling warm neutrals. I kept my hair simple by tying it back into a ponytail. As for my outfit? I wore a long sleeved French Connection top and a Material Girls skirt with zippered details. I added on a pair of tights and some sparkly flats and that was my finished look!

Want to take a look at my date night outfit? Here it is.....

It was definitely a wonderful night out. I had fun getting ready - and I had even more fun spending time with my favourite person.

What do you like to wear on a night out?

xo Shannon


  1. Pretty! <3 I always wear black *.* love your outfit <3
    Lots of love from VOH!

  2. I love your style and your blog. Im so obsessed with this post. I love it !!
    ❥ ೋ.. I hope you like my blog too. ೋ.. ❥

  3. I love your style and your blog. Im so obsessed with this post. I love it !!
    ❥ ೋ.. I hope you like my blog too. ೋ.. ❥

  4. I like your date night look, feminine and chic ! Looking great and also pretty makeup =)

    Fashion and Cookies
    Facebook / G+ / Bloglovin

  5. I love dressing up for movie night out as well. Anyway, I always love dressing up even in simple events. haha! I love your outfit here. Classy and chic :)

    I'm now following you on bloglovin. Hope you'll do the same :)

    Looking forward to see more of your posts!
    Have a nice day, Shannon! :)


  6. you look pretty, love the eye make-up


  7. such a lovely outfit; elegant, chic, amazing!

    waiting for your next one :)

    Back in black again & again

    xo xo

  8. Hello dear! Nice blog!
    Follow me and I will follow back)

    My Blog: violaceous_flavor
    Write me in my blog if you following me)

  9. You look nice and I love yuor make up! *o*

    I hope that you visit my blog too and maybe follow: SPIKED-SOUL.BLOGSPOT.COM :)
    Have a nice day!

  10. Lovely outfit, well done Shannon! Your outfit looks both comfortable and chic, I hope you enjoyed your evening out. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  11. You look amazing... Love the make up !

  12. You are beautiful!
    I love your outfit!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Nice makeup and pictures. I usually go simple but sophisticated. You know, classy so I don't come off as desperate.


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