Sunday, March 8, 2015

black and blue.

Makeup is a big part of my life. I love putting together looks that are fun, flirty, and wearable. But every now and again? I like to do something totally extreme....just because. Makeup is such a unique form of expression. That is why I find it so exhilarating to play around, get creative, and see what I can come up with. Lately, it has been lipstick. I have been on the hunt for colours that were totally different from anything I had. Forget pink, red, purple, and nudes. I was desperate to get my hands on black and blue.

After a trip to Sephora, I managed to do just that. I picked up (the very last) Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipstick in Slayer and the OCC Lip Tar in Pool Boy. The first was a rich black shade and the second, a bold and bright blue. Both were bold, dramatic, and totally different. And that is what made them so exciting to play around with. So, what do they look like in action? And how did I feel about the products? Here is my black and blue inspired makeup......

My first purchase was the Kat Von D Studded Kiss Lipstick in Slayer. I have a couple of other shades from this line and I love them. In terms of colour variety and pigmentation they are fantastic. However, I do find them a bit drying on the lips. Slayer was the same. A bit drying? Yes. Gorgeous? Yes. Black lipstick is totally over the top for me. But I was inspired after seeing Khloe Kardashian rock it in a glam-chic kind of way. Surprisingly, I actually loved the way it looked! Instead of being too edgy, I found it to be totally glamorous. Even my fiance (who was very hesitant when I mentioned black lipstick) thought it looked good! That is always a good sign.

I absolutely fell in love with this black lipstick. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Next up? The OCC Lip Tar in Pool Boy. I have heard rave reviews about the lip tars for ages - and was super excited to try one of them out. The colour I chose was super bright and dramatic. What can I say? I was looking for something totally different. It is not exactly suitable for a dinner date or a trip to the mall. But it was still tons of fun! I cannot wait to pick up a few more shades and mix them together. In terms of the quality, these lived up to the hype. Super pigmented, easy to apply, and very, very, very long lasting. What could be better?

Pool Boy may not be the most wearable on its own...but I am looking forward to having fun with it! Take a look at it in action.

So, these were my recent lip product experiments. Black and blue edition! It was a lot of fun to step out of my comfort zone and embrace more dramatic looks. Will I be wearing these out and about? Who knows! I am definitely committed to embracing the black lipstick. I love it so so much. As for the bright blue? I am looking for shades to mix it with and other ways to wear it. Stepping out of my makeup comfort zone was a ton of fun....and I can't wait to do it again.

What do you think of these shades?

xo Shannon


  1. The blue is really out there , but it looks amazing on you !! It;s such an unique color.

  2. I love this blue, looks very unique and incredibly pretty :)

  3. You managed to look gorgeous also with a bold black lip and the blue lipstick is so much fun <3 Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies
    Enter my $120 gift card Jord Watches Giveaway, open worldwide until March, 14th !

  4. Wow, love the blue! It looks great and fun on you :-)

  5. The dark lip is fierce!

  6. Both shades are super fun but I definitely like the black better for it's wearability. It's always so much stepping out of your comfort zone and try new things! Best, ican'taffordmylifestyle

  7. I'm so obsessed with both of these!! Incredible


  8. so beautiful , I love them

    check out my newest post

  9. hahahaha i prefer white and gold? :p
    so pretty!

  10. Love these colors
    have a a nice day

  11. These are really bold lipsticks!

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  12. wow great products!

  13. Your eye makeup looks so pretty! The bright blue looks so good on you, I personally love wearing a dark navy blue on my lips! :)

  14. Looks so nice.


  15. wow i love the black lipstick so beautiful!!

    Alice's Pink Diary

  16. the black lipstick looks incredible on you! such a gorgeous vampy look! :)

    Metallic Paws

  17. Oh dear love black lips!! ;) Are so beauty!!
    Kisses from Spain.
    Xoxo, P.

    My Showroom

  18. I want black lipstick to become a thing because I love wearing it but I know the moment I put that shade on my lips I'm getting all the attention outside. Kat Von D's lippies ARE drying sadly, their packaging and name is pretty awesome though.

    You totally rock both colours!

  19. Love them! love the blue one and love the KVD lipsticks <3 Wanna buy some of her brand ^^ the packaging is sooo amazing... <3

    Lots of love from VOH!

  20. I could never pull these off but they look amazing on you!

    Rebecca Coco


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