Tuesday, March 31, 2015

just have fun, smile, and keep putting on lipstick.

Sometimes a makeup product knocks your socks off. Other times, it lets you down. This is one of the risks you take when you try something new....or fall in love with a product you can't test in store. And this is exactly what happened to me. In my local drugstore, there was a display of new Rimmel lip products. Being a fan of Rimmel products in general (the 3-in-1 bronzer is one of my must-haves!) I was more than a little excited. Especially when I saw what was on that display. The Provocalips 16 Hour Kiss Proof Lip Colour. I am always on the hunt for lip products wit longevity. There is nothing I hate more than rocking a gorgeous shade only to find it gone by the time you hit the powder room.

So, my expectations were high. I wanted this to live up to the claims. I wanted it to be another must-have item in my makeup collection. The claims were as follows: kiss proof, transfer proof, trouble proof, moisturized lips all day long, easy to remove. Well, one of those claims were accurate: easy to remove! This lip product was a total flop. Sigh.....

On one end it has the lip colour itself and on the other, the colour sealing top coat. I picked up the darkest shade, Heart Breaker. I immediately fell in love with the colour. As you can see from the picture above, it is super sultry and gorgeous. I could not resist! When I applied the colour (Step one) I was wowed. How rich! How beautiful! How luxurious! The colour itself was everything I was looking for. I waited, applied the top coat, and got ready to start my day.

This is where the trouble started. A half hour later, I took a drink of water. There went half of the colour. Then I gave my fiance a kiss on cheek. And there went the rest of it. I was left with a bit of splotchy looking lipstick and nothing more. That gorgeous colour? Gone. Those 16 hour claims? A total joke. Not deterred, I decided to give this another try. Maybe I didn't put enough of the top coat on. Or I didn't wait long enough for the colour to dry! Surely this product couldn't be that bad, right? On tries two, three, and four, the results were the same. The colour did not last - and actually lasted for less than any other lip product I own.

Below is a picture of me post-glass of water. As you can see, the colour is pretty but it is already starting to fade. Trust me, it only got worse from that point on. I wish I had been smart enough to snap an "after" photo!

Overall, this was a major miss for me. Yes, the colour was gorgeous....but it just didn't have the staying power. If you have claims for "16 hours" of wear then it needs to be able to last. The concept is similar to the Cover Girl 24-hour lip products. The main difference? The Cover Girl ones work! Definitely disappointed in this product. I can't see myself trying it again and I certainly wouldn't pick up another shade.

Let me know if you have tried the Provocalips 16 Hour Kiss Proof Lip Colour from Rimmel. What was your experience like?

xo Shannon


  1. Great post my dear:))
    If you have time visit me on my blog :))
    xoxo Antonella

  2. Lovely makeup - the lipstick really suits you!

    I have a new outfit post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  3. that shade is so lovely
    looks great on your

  4. This looks really nice. Love this product line!

  5. What a gorgeous shade of red! It looks amazing on you!

    XO Imke

  6. Such a shame the product wasn't as performing as they stated ! The color is pretty but it has apparently no staying power :( Thanks for the review ! Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion blog

  7. Great product dear!
    i love this color!


  8. hiiiii!!! remember me?? hahaha :) nice review, this is precisely why i don't wear lipstick, its usually too high maintenance for me! hope you are doing fabulous!

  9. Shannon you look gorge as always. Bummer about the lipstick, so I don't need to get it, thx for your review.

  10. Oh, this color.. I felt in love!
    Need this lipstick to my makeup bag!

    Diana Cloudlet

  11. The shade is lovely, too bad the lasting power is a joke.

  12. I've never tried this Rimmel product before but I definitely won't be now! Nothing is worse than disappearing lip color. Sorry it didn't work out! Thank-you for sharing. Best, ican'taffordmylifestyle.

  13. I prefer Rimmel products, thank you for your post:)



  14. I didn't knew this lipstick, but I love it! (:
    You're so beautiful Shannon! (:
    Kisses dear ♥


  15. oooh that's bad!! It happened to me too!

  16. Que envidia! yo que yo no se maquillarme jeje yo siempre uso polvos raya y rimel :)

    B. http://www.StephanieBelles.com


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