Saturday, June 6, 2015

mini revlon haul.

It all started with a coupon. Let me explain. There was a pop up display of Revlon products, from eyeshadows to lip sticks and everything in between. Right below? A rip off coupon. Five dollars off of any Revlon product with the purchase of one full-priced item. Imagine the temptation! Which is how I ended up buying four new products. All because of a five dollar coupon. Oops? I suppose I should feel guilty about it....but I have been too busy enjoying these items to feel too badly about my mini splurge session.

What did I add to my makeup collection? The Revlon PhotoReady Primer, Shadow + Sparkle in Metropolitan, the Revlon blush in Naughty Nude, and two of the Revlon Color Burst Lacquer Balm in Demure and Whimsical. In the past, I have had great experiences with Revlon products. They tend to be of slightly better quality than some other drugstore brands. That gives you a taste of luxury - without having to hit up the makeup counter!

On that note, let's start by taking a closer look at the Revlon PhotoReady Primer, Shadow + Sparkle in Metropolitan.

There were a few different eyeshadow sets on the display. But this one? Instantly caught my eye. It had everything I love most! A gorgeous brown, shimmery pinks, and stunning neutrals. This has a super soft pink shade, a light grey, dark brown, champagne shade, and a gold sparkle top coat. I loved the combination of colours so much. What instantly struck me about this set? The textures were so soft. They apply easily, blend well, and are super pigmented. I also love the details. That primer shade works really well and the sparkle top coat is stunning. This is one eyeshadow set that is easy to use and ridiculously pretty. I absolutely adore it. 

Next up....that beautiful blush shade. Here is a closer look at Naughty Nude.

As you can see from the picture above....this product definitely lives up to its name. It is a nude blush shade that is super sexy and sultry. The perfect pairing for a smokey eye - or just to wear on a night out. There were some soft pink and berry toned blushes to choose from as well. But this one? It was totally different to the blush shades I normally reach for. Which is exactly why I chose it! Lately, I have been reaching for this one a lot. It has a really subtle bronze look, which is perfect for the warmer months. The texture was smooth and the pigmentation was impressive. Another winner from Revlon.

Lastly, in my mini Revlon haul, the Color Burst Lacquer Balm in Demure and Whimsical. 

Now for the lip products! I have a couple of these in my collection already but was excited try out a few different shades. Demure immediately caught my eye. (It is the soft pink shade.) This is probably because it went perfectly with the eyeshadow set I had already picked up. I was planning to stop there - until I saw that brighter fuchsia shade. It was bold yet wearable. Definitely perfect for a night out or a date. It is sultry but fun. The perfect combination!

Now to see all of the products together! This is the makeup look I created using my Revlon mini haul. (The lip product pictured is Demure.) Let me know what you think...

Should I have bought a bunch of Revlon products on a whim? Probably not. Am I happy that I did? Yes. Each and every one of these items exceeded my expectations. I love the way they look together, how they look with other products, how pigmented they are, and how great I feel when I wear them. And after all, that is what makeup is all about. The way you feel when you wear it!

Have you tried any of these products? What do you think of this makeup look?

xo Shannon


  1. great!

  2. Great haul! <3
    Your makeup look is awesome!

  3. The Revlon makeup looks great on you! I love especially your cheeks! Thanks for stopping by my blog Shannon!

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  4. I love color burst laquer balm...very pretty shades!!!!!!
    beautylove le mie follie

  5. Thats a nice haul! Surprisingly none of these have been launched by Revlon India yet!

  6. Oh I really like Revlon, I've got the blush and love the lipsticks ;D kisses, Nini

  7. great haul dear how about we follow each other i am following you follow me back at

  8. You look amazing! That's some really great make-up you bought, I love the lippies!
    And haha yeah, we tend to buy so much more when we get a coupin, right? The magic of marketing!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  9. looking good x


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