Sunday, June 28, 2015

whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.

There are so many wedding traditions. Pictures, dinners, showers....the list goes on and on. One of the most recent I took part in was my Bachelorette. I'll be honest. I was kind of nervous about the whole thing. There was so much pressure for things to go well, to have an awesome time, and look perfect. The whole evening felt stressful and overwhelming. Especially because I only knew bits and pieces of the plan and guest list. And me? I am a bit of a control freak. I was so anxious about the who, what, when. But guess what? It all turned out really well.

My sister did a fantastic job organizing it all. She decorated the hotel room, made dinner reservations, got us our own table at the club, and even danced the night away. It meant so much that she went to all of that trouble. The fact that so may of my friends showed up? That meant a lot too. It was really great - and a little strange - to see so many people I adore all at once! There were friends absolutely everywhere.

How did the night play out? My friend and I took the train down to Toronto, got ready in the hotel room, and then a few of us went out for dinner. After that we went back to the hotel to finish getting ready, play Bachelorette games, have a few drinks, and get social. Next up was the club. We danced, made friends, and listened to Britney Spears. Overall, it was a fun night out. Nothing crazy or anything. Just fun and friends.

What did I wear for the big night out? I found a really cute (and really cheap!) dress when my mom and I went to Niagara Falls. It had a gold pattern on the top and poofy white tulle on the bottom. I paired it with a black studded clutch, a pair of sparkly martini earrings, and my favourite Guess shoes. For my hair, I did a half up half down look and went super smokey for my eye makeup. On the lips, I wore my new Too Faced Melted Lipstick. And super giant fake lashes. Always important for a night on the town!

There has been so much going on lately. Big moments and small ones. All of them important and memorable. That is why I wanted to write this post. Because one day, I will look back at all of this and realize that all of the stress and the worrying was worth it.

xo Shannon


  1. I am sure you had a great time, Shannon, and imagine in about 50 years from now, you'll tell your grandchildren all about the wild things their nana did on her bachelorette ;) Just kidding, girl. Enjoy the time, Shannon, make sweet memories and treasure them.

  2. Oh sweetie so good that you ejoyed good time with your friends

  3. how fun! happy wedding x

  4. Sounds like a great time!!!!! :)

  5. Beautiful photos and I love love love your style of writing! Keep it up!

    Môj BLOG /KLIK/

  6. Nice post! I'm a fellow Canadian too xo


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