Thursday, July 16, 2015

review: nyc bb creme bronzed radiance

I am always optimistic when I try a product for the very first time. Maybe it will be amazing. Maybe I will wear it every single day. Maybe it will become my new must have. Sometimes my optimism pays off. Other times it does not. Which brings me to my latest makeup review: the NYC BB Creme 5 in 1 Bronzed Radiance Skin Perfector. (Phew! Try saying that five times fast.)

Right off the bat, I loved the idea of this product. A BB Cream that adds a hint of summery glow to my skin. Perfect! wasn't. This BB Creme claims to even out your skin tone, reduce the appearance of any skin imperfections, and give your skin a fresh bronzed look. The concept itself is fabulous. Especially now that summer is here. There is nothing quite so tempting as a beauty product that will give your skin that sun kissed glow. While the concept was great, the execution left something to be desired.

The product itself was very runny. The consistency was that of a very runny liquid foundation. Because of that, the coverage was extremely limited. I did not find it to cover up or blur any skin imperfections whatsoever. There simply was not enough coverage to do so. I would definitely say this was a light coverage product. Emphasis on the light! Perhaps if it was mixed with a regular foundation this might work a bit better. As is? Not so much.

Now for the radiant skin claim. This was another let down. While it certainly had a bronzey colour to the product - it wound up making my face noticeably darker than the rest of my body. It didn't so much give my skin a radiant bronzey look as it made my skin look darker and slightly orange where applied. For a pale skinned girl like me, this is a major makeup no-no.

Sadly, this is one product I was very disappointed with. The concept was great but it failed to be more than a poor BB Creme. The coverage was far too sheer (even for a no-makeup-makeup-look) to do much good and the colour did not look natural or glowing on the skin. While the product itself was very affordable, in my opinion, it still is not worth the money. In the past, I have had success with other NYC products. But this? I would say skip it this season.

Have you tried the NYC BB Creme 5 in 1 Bronzed Radiance Skin Perfector? How did it work for you?

xo Shannon


  1. I always love your honest reviews, Shannon. No I haven't tried this one and won't try it, now. Honestly I haven't found any great BB cream yet. I was always disappointed, either the color shade is gross or not enough coverage or it dried out my skin, whatever. I gave up on finding one, lol.

  2. I love this one! ♥ Beautiful review.

    xoxo ♥

  3. In my country we don't have where to buy nyc but it good to know :)

    If you would like to follow each other, to stay in touch, let me know on my blog.

  4. We don't have this brand in stores (only online), but it sounds good! :)

  5. I love your honest review!!!
    Happy friday!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  6. Looks so great!


  7. I'm very glad I read your review. Because this looks like a product I would definitely buy in store, so thanks to you I know it's not worth the money. It looks promising, too bad it didn't work out for you.

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC, Google+, Bloglovin & Instagram? I am @modellabellablog (:

    Isabelle. GIVEAWAY

  8. nice review!
    xo xo

  9. Such a great review! Too bad this product didn't work out for you. The last time I used a BB Cream I had a bad experience also and I kind of lost hope in them.

  10. Perfect concept too bad it wasnt quite what you expected.

    xx Falasha
    Bite My Fashion ll Instagram ll Bloglovin'

  11. love how honest you are here :) i like the concept tho, dont thiink ive seen a bb / bronzing shimmer cream. would love love love that!

  12. nice one

  13. Great honest review!:) i dont like bb creams so would not try it anyway.
    Xx Sab /

  14. Great post dear! Have a nice weekend <3

  15. What a shame when the concept sounded so great :(
    Kirsty x



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