Saturday, July 4, 2015

two hearts that beat as one.

My life is changing. Fast. It's hard to believe I am writing these words....but I am getting married. Today. It was almost a year ago that my life changed completely. My boyfriend proposed, getting down on one knee, and sweeping me off my feet. It was the best day of my life. Since then, my days have been spent planning, packing, worrying, wondering, and looking ahead. It has been a whirlwind to say the least. 

When we got engaged, July seemed like a lifetime away. Somehow, it snuck up on us. Me especially. Trying to juggle work, writing jobs, wedding planning, fittings, social obligations, finding a place to live, packing up my childhood room? It was a lot to handle. An awful lot. Even as I write this, I keep thinking about everything that needs to be done. Like unpacking everything. Paint touch ups in our new apartment. Getting my hair done. Making sure my nails look perfect. Oh, and that whole getting married part! 

I am excited. Not so much for the ceremony. (I am not a fan of people staring at me all day long. Or speaking in public. Or someone else taking my picture.) But for the beginning of our new life together. I am so incredibly happy to have found the perfect person for me. For all of the joy, laughter, and special memories the future has in store. I am excited to be with him. Whatever life brings our way.

On that note....I am going to be taking a mini-blogging break. Today is the wedding ceremony. Following that, we are heading off to Disney World for our honeymoon. (Something else I am super excited about.) So, if you don't see me posting, commenting, or being active on social media, it is because I am busy being a newlywed! I will be back to posting on a regular schedule as soon as I get settled and return home.

Thank you all for your love and support! 

xo Shannon


  1. OMG Congratulations!!
    I hope you'll both live a happy life together!!

  2. Congratz!! Hope you and your beloved have a wonderful time together ^__^

    Linxnee-Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle


  4. Congrats!!!!!!!!!! Have a great time at Disney :)

  5. awww how sweet congrats dear

  6. Congratulations Shannon!! Wishing you a very happy married life and a super fun honeymoon! See you when you're back!

  7. congrats dear!!! :)
    i will get married next year in July too :D

    Alice's Pink Diary

  8. Congrats dear,hope you willshowus a sneek peek of the wedding
    Wish you all the best dear

  9. OMG! Congrats! Have a lovely wedding and even better honeymoon :)))

    Check out my latest OUTFIT POST

    XoXo Venoma
    Fashion Blog Serbia

  10. Congrats!! If you any time, I'd love if you participate in my giveaway (you can win a swimsuit of your choice!!)

  11. That is amazing news! Congratulations on your wedding, and I wish you all the best for your married life! Hoping to read more entries from you soon.

  12. That is amazing news! Congratulations on your wedding, and I wish you all the best for your married life! Hoping to read more entries from you soon.

  13. Aww Shannon I am so happy for you guys!! Wishing you endless love, laughter, health, and happiness in this next chapter in your life! Congrats to the beautiful newlyweds! Can't wait to see pictures! <3

  14. I am so happy for you guys!! Wishing you endless love, laughter, health, and happiness in this next chapter in your life! Congrats to the beautiful newlyweds!

  15. I need to see pics of you!! I know that you were the loveliest bride!! Congrats again!

    Amanda | Feast Fashion Faves

  16. I'm SO happy for you! Congratulations! Hope it was everything you envisioned and more! Post pictures!!! xoxoxoxoxo, Carla


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