Tuesday, August 18, 2015

and while i wait, i put on my perfume.

Certain scents speak to you. Somehow they manage to reflect how you feel and who you are. There is something in that perfect combination of notes. They create a fragrance that is both beautiful and empowering. It has been a while since I felt that way about a new perfume. Sure, there have been tons that I have liked. Loved, even! Plenty that make me smile. And lots of old favourites knocking around. The scent that is making me positively giddy at the moment? Britney Spears Fantasy: Intimate Edition. 

In general, I am a big fan of the Britney Spears perfumes. They have this fresh yet girly feeling that makes them super easy to wear. Which is why I own all of the perfumes in her line. (The latest makes for number eighteen. Crazy!) One thing I really love? The fact that she has a fragrance for every occasion! Hidden Fantasy for a special night out, Circus Fantasy for work, and the original Fantasy for a day out with your BFF. Quite frankly, I didn't know how another perfume could top the already amazing fragrances she has released in the past.

Then it happened. I was looking around the perfume section for another bottle altogether. Then I saw Britney and instinctively reached out to sample it. Gone was the other perfume! I actually never ended up buying it. I simply had to have Britney Spears Fantasy: Intimate Edition in my perfume collection. Ready to find out why? Here are some of my thoughts on her latest offering.

Let's start with the bottle. It has the same general design as all of the other Fantasy perfumes. That rounded shape with the crystals scattered along the side. It is simple, sleek, and feminine. The difference? This bottle came in a crisp white with gold-ish pink crystals throughout. It is absolutely beautiful. I just love the way this looks on my shelf! Sophisticated yet flirty.

In fact, those two words are exactly how I would describe the perfume itself. Sophisticated and flirty. It has a floral kind of scent but with musky undertones. That balances out the super girly fragrance and takes it to a more chic and luxurious level. The combination is perfect. No wonder I have been reaching for it over and over again. I have worn this on a night out with friends, to dinner with my husband, and even just around the apartment! I am absolutely in love with this perfume. In my opinion, it is a ten out of ten.

So there you have it! Those are my thoughts on the new Britney Spears perfume. It is elegant yet exciting, easy to wear, and ultra feminine. Looking for a new scent to change things up? Definitely grab a tester and give this a try. It is amazing.

Have you tried this perfume? What is your favourite fragrance?

xo Shannon


  1. Love Britney Spears perfume! :)

    I have a new post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  2. I don't know this fragrance but the bottle is so lovely!!!...in this moment I use rem, daisy, amethyste o black opium the new edt.

  3. I don't know this perfume, but I do realte to your story. Fragrance is so much more than what we think!

    Natalia | Lindifique

  4. That is a ton of fragrances I can honestly say I did not think she put out that many!! I only tried one of her perfumes, it's in the pink bottle but I never actually picked one up. I want to find this on to test it, I love flirty perfumes.

  5. abslutely i have tried this one its gorgeous! she has great colletion i love fantasy!

  6. I remember those parfumes of Britney. Haven't seen white one before, but I recall blue and redish. Bottle is certainly very memorazible.



  7. The bottles are really pretty! Very sweet smells :)
    Would you like to follow each other in GFC, Bloglovin or Instagram (my IG name is @travelera.es) ?
    Let me know which one to follow you :) Keep in touch! xxx

  8. Great Post! Your post are so good. Just love to read them. lets follow each other on GFC, Google+, Twitter, facebook, Instagram and Bloglovin? If yes, follow me and mention it by commenting on my blog. Would instanlty follow back as soon as I see it. Stay in Touch.
    ❁ ❊ Kanwalikram's Blog ❊ ❁

  9. I believe that you love them!


  10. shannon!!! :) i'd love to smell this scent !! :) thank you for sharing!! :) http://www.thegirlwiththemujihat.com/

  11. This is so perfect for you! I need a new perfume myself,
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  12. Omgosh I used to love those perfumes!!


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