Tuesday, August 4, 2015

i want candy.

Oh, Hard Candy. If there is one drugstore brand that keeps me on my toes, it is definitely Hard Candy. Not only are they constantly putting out new items - but they like to take risks. From glitter palettes to gold toned highlights, this brand has a little bit of everything to offer. For makeup addicts and trend setters? You can't do much better. Over the last several years, Hard Candy has become a major part of my beauty routine. Their liquid liner is my all-time favourite. Their Glamoflauge concealer is top notch. And don't even get me started on their line of baked blush products.

The latest Hard Candy product to hit the shelves? The Heart Shaped Bronzer Duo and Highlighter Duo. (Pictured above.) These Glow All The Way products come in an adorable heart shaped tin and include two products in each. The pink tin is the Highlighter Duo. Inside there is light champagne highlight and a soft gold highlight. Both shades are soft, subtle, and easy to wear. Perfect for a daytime look! The texture is silky and smooth and the product is easy to apply. I like to use my fan brush and layer one product (or sometimes both!) over top of my chosen blush shade. While the Highlighter Duo is not the most highly pigmented ever....it does a fabulous job. I love the natural yet glowing finish it gives. Plus, you can't beat heart shaped makeup!

Now for the Bronzer Duo. It comes in the same type of packaging as the Highlighter Duo. The only difference is the colour. It is a pretty gold instead! When you open up the lid there are two gorgeous bronze toned shades to choose from. The lighter one is extremely soft. It leaves a nice sheen to the skin, making it look fresh and healthy. The perfect compliment to a gorgeous bronzed look. The darker shade is more like a light bronzer. It can be layered over an existing bronzer or worn on its own. It has that same beautiful glow that the others had...just with a little more pigmentation. This duo is one I have been reaching for an awful lot lately. Thanks to the summer weather, glowing bronze is all you need! 

There are so many things I love about the Hard Candy Limited Edition Duos. Yes, the packaging is out of this world cute. I love the way it looks in my makeup drawer! What I love even more than that? How easy to use these products are. Whenever I want to add a subtle glow to my skin, I reach for these. They are a nice contrast to the super pigmented and in-your-face highlights that are already in my makeup collection. These duos are affordable as well. For about $6 you can snag two products. Not too shabby. 

Since I am loving these limited edition tins at the moment, I thought that I would give you a peek at how they perform. Below is a picture of the Bronzer Duo. 

Makeup is fun. It is exciting. It can make you feel absolutely amazing. Guess what? Every time I reach for these highlighting products, I am totally over the moon. That? That is the sign of a great makeup product. Hard Candy is without a doubt one of my favourite makeup brands. And it looks like that won't be changing any time soon.

Have you tried the Highlight or Bronzed Duo? Do you love Hard Candy products? 

xo Shannon


  1. It looks gorge on you Shannon. No I haven't tried it. Yet. The packaging looks so cute.

  2. Packaging is very cute and it looks amazing on you.

  3. It is really interesting when brands get out of the comfort zone and create these products. You look great!

    Natalia | Lindifique

  4. ...here in italy there insn't this brand, the packaging remember me too faced...the blush are very pretty!!!

  5. I've never used a dual bronzer before, but I certainly will now.

    Jenn | Jennifer Jayne

  6. I did not know this brand, in Italy is not for sale. Nice packaging!

  7. great duo x

  8. It looks really awesome
    so flawless

  9. I've never heard of this brand!! It looks great on you though, I'll have to check it out.

  10. So nice items, i loves :)
    I will follow him, follow back?

    - www.helenaprimeira.blogspot.pt
    - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8FHHl3dT3g
    - https://www.facebook.com/PrimeiraPanos?ref=hl

  11. Ohh, I love the shape +_+




  12. its beauuuuutiful on you shannon! i thought it was from too faced, its nice to see it has a sort of dupe brand thats not as expensive :)
    side note - you have the most gorgeous eye color - ala zoella / megan fox. im so jealous!

  13. I've never tried Hard Candy, but I hear marvelous things!


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