Saturday, September 19, 2015

a little black lipstick never hurts.

Dark lipstick. It is without a doubt my favourite fall trend. There is something so undeniably sexy about a deep lipstick shade. Maybe a dark purple, burgundy, midnight blue, or yes, even black. There are currently two black lipsticks in my collection. One high end (Kat Von D's Slayer to be exact) and one drugstore (LA Colors in black). Why do I have two of them? There is something so dramatic about black lipstick. Worn right it can elevate your makeup look to a whole new level of amazing.

Today I was going through some pictures on my computer. There was a whole folder full of photos that had been taken throughout the summer. Most of them were pretty typical. Nights out with friends, photos of my husband, and lots and lots of sunshine. Then there were a couple that I had completely forgotten about. One day before the wedding, I randomly had the house to myself. (This was rare when I still lived at home with my parents and brother.) What did I decide to do? Have a little fun with my makeup. This is one of my favourite things to do. Just to browse through my makeup collection and come up with something different. Not to go anywhere. Not to impress anyone. Just to express myself - and have a little fun at the same time.

I confess. My obsession with dramatic lipstick has reached a fever pitch. I love dark shades now that the weather is starting to cool off. So when I stumbled across these black lipstick pictures, I thought, I need to post these! That day was just about self expression. The rest of my makeup was largely cool-toned. I had silver and grey on the eyes and lots of black liner. To add a little warmth? I skipped out on a traditional blush shade and used my favourite bronzer instead.

Yes, I love black lipstick. It excites me to create different makeup looks inspired by this unconventional shade. This cool-toned look is just the beginning. There are so many other ways to wear it. And I plan on trying them all! Sometimes it is nice to play around with makeup and let the products inspire you. I miss those moments. Here is hoping the fall season brings plenty of inspiration, adventure, and black lipstick.

Would you wear black lipstick?

xo Shannon


  1. Beautiful photos and I love love love your style of writing! Keep it up!

    ••• Môj BLOG /KLIK/ •••

  2. wow, The lipstick is amazing
    Kiss, cleo

  3. Love the lipstick !

  4. I love trying random makeup looks when I am not doing anything either. It is so much fun to experiment!

  5. I could never pull off that dark a lipstick, but I admire you for going for it!


  6. Love the way you pulled off that lipstick! It looks great on you,keep wearing it dear :)

  7. Wow, zelf zou dit mij niet staan maar jou staat het prachtig<3

  8. Love your lipstick! :)

  9. Love it! I really love wearing black and dark lipsticks <3
    Beautiful! lots of love to you!

  10. I love it, it looks great on you. However, I am not sure if I dare to put it because I don't think I can do it as good. Anyways... you look great.

  11. That dark lip looks so nice on you!



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