Monday, September 14, 2015

love the life you live.

It is still hard for me to believe. Summer is over! Okay, officially, there are still a couple of weeks but for all intensive purposes it seems that fall is here. School is back in session, the weather is changing, and everyone seems ready to get back to business. Thankfully there were plenty of exciting moments this summer. While this isn't going to be a full recap....I thought that I would share some photos with you from the last several weeks. An end of summer Best Of, if you will!

Honestly? Things have been crazy busy lately. I have had a lot going on both personally and socially. That has made it tricky to fit everything in. But I have done my best! Each weekend there seems to be some sort of plans scheduled, lots of things to do, and exciting events. For the most part? This has been really fun. It is nice to see people I care about - and do exciting things along the way. On that note? Here is a peek at some things that have been filling up my calendar as of late.

The One Direction Concert
As I mentioned in a previous post (and video!) a bunch of my friends and I went to see One Direction a few weeks back. It was a lot of fun. The set list was great and the night was full of excitement! 

Going to the CNE 
One Canadian tradition? Spending time at the CNE. It happens every year at the end of the summer. This year? My mom and I went to eat lots of food, check out the exhibits, and see Rick Springfield in concert. It was such a fun day. I had a blast! 

Saying Goodbye to a Friend
It is always hard when friends leave. Especially when they move away. As happy as you are for them - it is a sad moment. My friend Amber moved away recently to achieve bigger and better things. So she organized a goodbye dinner.

Jaydee Bixby Concert
One of my favourite country artists? Jaydee Bixby. He is a Canadian singer that I have been a fan of for several years now. After a while in between shows/CDs, he is back. So I took the chance to see him peform at the CNE. He played three sets and was fantastic. It was the highlight of a difficult week.

Yes, things have definitely been busy lately. These are just a few of the highlights of the last couple weeks. Friends, concerts, and family time. What else do you need? I can only hope that the fall season is just as exciting and rewarding as the summer has been.

What have you been up to lately? What are your end of summer highlights?

xo Shannon


  1. You look so cute:) Beautiful make up:)

  2. Oh concerts are so much fun! I'm glad you had fun.

  3. Glad you had a fun time. Love your eye makeup!

    The Flower Duet

  4. wonderful blog, I love it!
    You can agree on follow for follow?
    I love to read interesting blogs :)
    Greetings from Poland!

  5. looks like you had such a great time
    Your makeup is so beautiful

  6. Love the photots and glad you had a such a wonderful time! You have such fabulous skin!!
    June Wants It All - Indian fashion and lifestyle blog

  7. So nice post. The spectacles must have been fun, these super lively in the pictures :)

    Helena Primeira
    Helena Primeira Youtube
    Primeira Panos

  8. wow looks like u had a blast! one direction is a lotta fun looks like!!

  9. girl theres a comment here very inappropriate words above..hope u remove that :(

    1. It has been removed! Gotta love when spam sites leave garbage on your blog :(


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