Monday, October 19, 2015

fun fall musts for you and your bff.

If you have been reading my blog for a while then you probably know that I do freelance writing as much as possible. Writing is what I love to do....what I want to do....and how I spend my free time. Sometimes I write articles with the intention of posting them somewhere. Other times I write articles simply because I feel like writing them. The latter is true of this post. It is a bit different than the normal blog style I write in on Mansa Fashion. However, I am super inspired by the fall season right now. So I thought that I would share it with you anyway! Here goes.....

What can I say? I feel optimistic whenever a new season starts. Gone are the emotions that bogged me down. So long to stress and anxiety. A new season is a fresh beginning. At least in my mind. Thankfully there is one person in my life who feels the same way. My friend is eager to make the most of fall. Which is why we have come up with our very own to-do list. It has a little bit of everything. A few examples? Seasonal staples like carving a pumpkin and watching Halloween movies – along with fun goals like go to the zoo and write letters to one another.

There are so many ways to enjoy the season. So start filling up your calendar. Grab your BFF and give one of these fun fall musts a try.

Bake Something Special. Fall and baking always seem to go hand in hand. There are tons of delicious recipes to try. From apple fritters to pumpkin muffins and a million other seasonal delights. One way to make the most of the new season? Invite your best friend over for an afternoon of baking. Snag some recipes from Pinterest and see if you can re-create them. Once you are done being a culinary goddess you and your bestie can watch a chick flick and indulge your sweet tooth. Or you can wrap up those baked goods and hand them out to people you love.

Pencil In a Fall Themed Activity (Or Two). Certain experiences make the fall season even more memorable. They take you back to when you were young, wide-eyed, and innocent. Why not experience a blast from the past? Make time to go on a hayride with your BFF, jump in a massive pile of leaves (and take a few selfies while you’re at it), go apple picking, head to a pumpkin patch, visit a haunted house, or make your own Halloween costumes. These are silly activities that can help you de-stress and connect to your younger self.

Spend a Little Time Outdoors. The temperatures are definitely starting to drop. Lately you have probably needed to add on a layer or two. That doesn’t mean you need to say inside all day and all night. Call up your best friend and spend a couple of hours enjoying nature. Take a walk in a nearby park (you can look at all of the changing leaves!), visit a farmer’s market, take a hike, or fly a kite. The whole idea is to put away your cell phones and experience the magic of the season.

Show Your BFF How Much You Care. Tis the season to be grateful. Thanksgiving is one of the big fall holidays. Guess what? You don’t need to wait for Thanksgiving to tell your best friend that you care. Write down five things you love about her. Get her to do the same and then swap. Or give her a copy of your favourite book to read. You could also spend a day scrapbooking with your BFF. Put together a book of your favourite photos together. Think about it! This is is a great excuse to reminisce on those special moments. 

Fall is here. Thank goodness! This is a great time to pause, reflect, and focus on your happiness. Why wait? Text your BFF and start making plans now

What will you do this fall? Is there anything on your to-do list?

xo Shannon


  1. Totally agree! I love autumn! Kisses!

  2. What a lovely post! you should post your writings more often:)

  3. totally agree with you !

  4. I love this post! It is the time to be grateful and show our gratitude for the ladies who do so much for us!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  5. What a lovely post, and I understand; writing is just, well, writing. Comes whenever, where ever and we just got to get it down on paper. Baking something with the best friend in fall sounds like such a superb idea!

    May | THE MAYDEN

  6. io adoro l'autunno non amo molto il freddo rigido, e anche io adoro trascorrere delle ore a casa

  7. Great list, Shannon. So important!
    Autumn is such a beautiful season. It's so great to fully enjoy it, especially with a friend you love! Thanks for this!



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